
Technology is so scary. My kinect is trying to track me guys. The Kinect was never even billed as a form of tracking you. Your shitty internet connection probably doesnt even have the bandwidth to upload the sheer amount of data that the Kinect pulls in. And an xbox certainly doesnt have the processing power to build

Who said a year? 2014 could mean Q1 2014. It could mean January 1, 2014. Dont assume things just cause your a sony fanboy. The Xbox One isnt even set to release until likely late in November so a month or so to make drivers for an extremely advanced controller and one that needs to be backward compatible with

I think your blowing this way out of proportion. Has anyone actually gotten in trouble for running a server on Google Fiber? or did you just decide to actually read the ToS one day and throw a bitch fit? That clause exists to reasonably protect ISPs. Ive been running "servers" on both AT&T and Verizon for years and

yea i guess i didnt think about that. seems like it would be best to just use fins to stabilize the bolts though i imagine that would make a clip design pretty difficult

Or you could just spiral it like in a normal rifle? The thing still uses a standard barrel, the bolts are a slightly different shape than bullets but thats more a design choice

Im pretty sure that in this context its implied that successful is in terms of engaged audience. Everyone who actively uses instagram (i.e. keeps the app up to date and read feeds on a regular basis) uses instagram video even if they dont personally post videos, they still see the ones their friends post. So Instagram

perfect for stalking

"and there's no commenting system either"

These are actually different. Your thinking of red light cameras that ticket you if you run a red light. These cameras ticket you when they radar you going over the speed limit.

So what your telling me is I can literally get PAID to sit around watching netflix all day (obviously so I can accurately tag videos). Where do I sign up?

actually, Yahoo should just keep changing its logo forever. Every day until the end of days

the tag is blink.... <blink>text</blink>

Its not a browser company decision. HTML is a standards based markup and every year or so a committee gets together and decides on the future of HTML (what to add, what to remove, what to alter) and then they publish this a new version of HTML. In order to remain complaint with these standards browsers must update

I dont see anything wrong with that statement. The facts are simple, windows has the largest number of ABUSED exploits of any OS. Now maybe linux OS's are less secure (hard to really say that since there are a million different distros, each with their own security exploits and fixes) but the fact is that more people

Your missing the entire point of the Tor teams post. When they say dont use windows what they really mean is if you really want the true level of anonymity that tor can provide you have to use a unix-based OS. Simply put windows is not designed to work with Tor. At best you can set programs that support proxies to use

Or they could just do it like iOS which is way more convenient and have sand boxed shortcuts. An iphone with a passcode can still use the camera shortcut, but they can only see photos taken during that "session" (i.e. not your whole library) and hitting the home button just brings you back to the lock screen. All the

So basic security support that requires almost no extra work or infrastructure on their part is now a premium feature... That is the biggest load of bullshit ive ever heard of. https should be the default for all users not a feature you have to pay for.

If I were Apple and they tried this shit with me I would change the app store rules to not allow any bookstores (on account of they are conflicting with the existing book store app) and retroactively wipe all bookstore apps from existing phones, then terminate my agreements and just keep the same book prices since I

The flagging is based on reports by Copyright holders (or companies representing them) to your ISP, not based on ISP network monitoring. Typically if you get reported it is the result of a company watching torrent trackers for copyrighted material and then sending reports of all IPs downloading that torrent to their

Yea except for the fact the consumer versions of these videos have already been compressed down to BluRay quality (aka 1080p) losing all the 4K awesomeness of RED filming.