Sonic Reducer 151

Writing too apparently, Tex.

And as his totally real girlfriend who lives in Niagra Falls, I can 100% back him up on his career and charity work. He’s a real mensch. I mean ubermensch.

One thing that I find hilarious to contemplate is just how psyched to investigate this Tomato trolling phenomena the /Gawker staff would be if he was doing this on some other site’s comment section. I know that Barstool (and even worse, the Barstool comment section) is full of cretins without the guile to pull

Listening to Mike Ducan’s phenomenal History of Rome, I was always curious about how exactly the Senators could conspire with an Emperor or whomever to do something moronic and shorted sighted, see it fail and then do it again. I had always assumed it was the fact that the generals with the largest legions did

Yeah, the stakes are so low here (as I’m not a member of the BBWAA or a middle schooler I don’t really give a fuck who’s in the Baseball Hall of Fame) that I would much rather see him pissed off than dwell on any on-field/off-field stick to sports crap.

Or, because of the declining birth rate in America, we actually NEED more young people to move here in order to help support the massive amount of Boomers who are leaving the workforce and swelling the Medicare rolls. 99% of the time I hear someone bitch about “America can only support so many immigrants, we’re going

This is an evergreen comment.

Well, yeah. It’s not like anyone who was pissed about Trump being president is gonna get any traction with a Duck Dynasty protest, what with the old saw of it being “hard to be shocked when you’re not even surprised” and all.

I’ve always found it hilarious (and hilariously depressing) the outrage and fury that certain white people express when confronted with the reality that they are just one of many types of Americans in this country and not the entirety of the country itself. Entire generations of white dudes especially have no idea how

Jalopnik dude likes Laimbeer, hates Green. Shocking. Just fucking shocking.

“Racist chants, you hate to see that” Chabot said with all the enthusiasm of Joe Buck announcing a reply of Aaron Rodgers tearing his ACL.

Be that as it may, Max knows what barrier to entry means AND he has a link to UPenn so I’m gonna go with his big, smooth brain on this one, nice try.

Hell yeah! Barrier to Entry mic drop!!!

Hey now, the US might be the single largest consumer market in the history of mankind but if I don’t get to keep every single cent of profit, then the price to access that market is just not worth it.

So how are you making an accurate and reliable assessment of a person’s wealth from year-to-year? 

Why build a gold mine on top of a subterranean vein of gold? Why open a fishery off the coast of Alaska? Why move to NYC to open a playhouse

That’s a problem of logistics rather than temperament. And these logistical hypotheticals are being used as a smokescreen for the wealthy and those who carry their water to hide behind. Pretending that the logistics are too difficult to figure out, or even worse that they may be too inaccurate to be effective, is a

Why can’t I have all of the perks of American aristocracy without any of the responsibilities? All I want is to be rich, vapid and coddled but you’re all making me sit here and think about what went into my family putting me in this position and gosh darn it, that makes me uncomfortable!

Yeah, a lot of adult vegetarians who grew up eating American style meals which generally feature a meat main and veggie sides probably would miss it. But I know plenty of people who grew up eating lentil, curry, bean etc. based meals (which is a much more common experience outside of America) don’t miss them at all

There’s a reason the largest lobbyist group in the country (The Chamber of Commerce) was founded and has been mainly run by Amway ponzi scheme artists; the American Dream of Capitalism only works if you assume there unlimited room for market expansion. But as soon as you reach the limits of constraint for those