Sonic Reducer 151

The most fucked up thing about your most excellent essay is that even more than many long think pieces about White Fragility (which is a great book) this really drove home how fucking stupid American society is. Well done, I'm now mad I grew up with a subscription to Sports Illustrated.

It’s tomato troll. I love/hate him.

Your hobby is a weird hobby.

Don’t fucking play against girls then if this such a big problem for you. And yes, this is 100%, absolutely a personal problem of yours, not representative of any greater whole.

You can fuck right off, right fucking now if you’re not giving 100 and 10 percent you fucking slacker.

Nobody here is surprised that you don’t understand something.

He does not work nor has he ever worked for an oil company. He works for an investment firm that has lent money to fund oil rig construction. As a small part of their overall portfolio. And he has been extremely clear and upfront about that fact, going so far as to use the information he’s privy to in that regard as

I have never heard anyone outside of Boston sports radio use the term “fraud” like this. Every time I read/hear it, my eye starts to twinge.

Somebody had to say it. Thank you for your bravery.

I have no idea why you thought I was arguing with you. I was just observing how blinkered-ass stupid you are. I wouldn’t try to dissuade you out of your beliefs anymore than I would waste my time trying to convince my dog to stop licking her asshole.

You are like a special little snowflake of unflagging stupidity. It’s impressive, really.

Even taking away the whole “of the people, by the people, for the people” aspect of government, you know what’s really dangerous from a security and safety aspect? Millions of homeless, jobless, penniless and hopeless people. That’s how revolutions start.

Is this man an idiot or the Tomato Troll? America, YOU DECIDE!

I have no idea how you thought using the handle Wascaliwabbit would make it harder to figure out this is you, Dwight. 

Even anecdotal evidence is better than whatever the fuck you're backing your bullshit up with.

There is also a significant part of the public who have been, maybe not brainwashed, but certainly influenced by 50+ years of Red Scare propaganda to believe that socialism is literally evil rather than literally Jesus’ message.

Out of curiosity, how does growing up, living and dying within an 18 mile radius of where you were born affect one’s perspective on America? There is more than one bubble in this country and as annoying as Becky and Chad can be, there is a lot less uniformity in their voting patterns than the rural bubble’s.

Yeah man, way to own the Libs. I hope you show your friends this nice, cool one and only post you made on Deadspin so they can high five you properly.