Sonic Is Knuckled

I spent many hours playing and enjoying New Vegas, but I realize now that was a waste of time, as I could have glitched my way through to the end in only 20 minutes. Ah well, live and learn.

Tell that to all the white knights defending her, apparently they think shes doing some kind of service to humanity by fighting for the rights of video game characters.

1st world problems I guess.

Well that’s the point. You piss off the customers and then they direct their anger at blizzard.

Anita Sarkeesian

Is that an easter egg or just a coding oversight? Perhaps second controller commands are mapped to the variable that sets the light beam direction or something. An easter egg would be if someone had secret dialogue during that scene.

“I think there’s a strong temptation to close the platform. If people look at what they can accomplish when they can limit competitors’ access to their platform,”

They’re too busy rummaging through Mario Maker levels and deleting the ones that the 8-Ball says ‘Yes’ to.

Compared to the characters in 4 and 6, who ever designed these characters should resign and go work at a McDonald's.

In my opinion, the demo was just downright.... average. Graphics were decent, but in this day and age, not very impressive. The combat seemed extremely sluggish and awkward. And, as a Final Fantasy fan, seeing “hold O down to attack continuously” just seemed downright lazy. I know mashing or using menus isn’t exactly

I get you, but it doesn’t feel action-oriented either. There's no weight to the combat. No friction. It's trying to be an action game, but its control scheme and the abilities it gives you don't really allow for it. I really wish they would either fully commit to making an action game, or just go back to turn-based

I really didn't care for the demo at all, but that's probably because I prefer combat that is either entirely turn-based, or entirely action-oriented. Attempts like this to meet in the middle inevitably end up being less than the sum of their parts, and in my opinion FFXV is no different.

I actually thought the demo was kinda shit, unfortunately.

Can’t stand the character design of most modern FF games. Squall, (Advent) Cloud, Vaan, and now these protagonists. I get so irrationally angry when I see that messy-hipster-spiky-hair-in-face look. Is there a singular designer that coined this look?

Trump is a clown supported solely by people whose IQ rests firmly in the double digits.

Nah, you don’t get it, this film is “more complex.” That means it’s good in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh dimensions but that in our normal four-dimensions you can’t detect its goodness.

I must say, the “Marvel Method” contains 2 seasons of Daredevil and 1 season of Jessica Jones.

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

Exactly. There’s nothing wrong with Let’s Plays, but the people making them need to remember that they are profiting off their reaction to someone else’s hard work. Without the developer, there is NOTHING TO PLAY. The developer does not owe the Youtuber jack shit. It is entierly the other way around.

I’m probably going to get shit for this opinion, but some people who are trying to do Let’s Plays as a career come off as super entitled. Especially the “sucks having someone make money revenue off my video” type comments. Without the game in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to make that video. I don’t think the