Angry Birds was a clone of Crush the Castle.
Angry Birds was a clone of Crush the Castle.
I know *tons* of people make this mistake to the point where the word is being redefined, but Minecraft has nothing to do with voxels. Voxels are an alternative rendering system to polygons that’s been around since the 90's. Minecraft still uses polygons.
Minecraft wasn’t the original game in this style, Infiniminer was. Minecraft is just another one of the clones.
Minecraft was a blatant rip off of Infiniminer. It didn’t create the style.
They’re both a super generic beat and nothing else. So I guess they’re the same?
When I was 11, the power went out because we couldn’t pay our electric bill. My dad rummaged through the garage in the dark until he found a small propane hot plate. My mom looked for something to eat in the pantry while my dad setup the hot plate near the sliding glass door, which he had just propped open for…
That’s just a long drawn out way of saying what I said.
It’s a common idiom in software development that no software is without bugs.
This game needs a disaster watch until arcade mode is added.
And ensure that they release a finished game.
The game is just SF4, except they removed all the characters and stages and started over.
This game is half finished at best.
When are we getting a disaster watch for Street Fighter 5?
When are we getting the disaster watch for this game? No single player and shitty servers. This is far worse than Sim City ever was.
This game needs a disaster watch.
Since no software is without bugs, the cost for a bug free game would probably be nearly infinite.
It’s still really really bad. *Never* accept a job at Amazon if you place any value on life outside work.
I think it’s so that they can take each game into a different direction.