Yes, because firing his creative staff because they had nothing to work on would have made Mighty No 9 come out faster.
I honestly wish people like this, and anyone who has treated Kickstarter like Amazon, were branded “Too Stupid for the Internet” and prohibited from getting online.
Because half his staff was doing absolutely nothing because they had nothing to work on.
Seriously, this guy could have dramatically shortened his post by just saying “Hey everyone, I’m a complete asshole!”
Until you’ve successfully started your own business, ranting about how starting a business is easy and everyone who does it should be successful just makes you look like a class A moron.
Why do people have such a difficult time understanding that start-ups in nearly every industry frequently fail?
To me, Fringe felt like what X Files should have been.
I mean, I commend him for being a stand up guy, but the game had a “Very Positive” rating with 87%. It feels like the poor guy was run over by a hate train.
It was creepy cute.
It’s a mound of shit with occasional gems poking through
It’s the Google philosophy, throw a bunch of shit at a wall and see what sticks.
That’s fine, but you’re acting like it’s objectively better.
If anything, the fact that the game is sitting at “Very Positive” and the highest rated reviews are all negative is an indication that people who have never played the game are trying to trash it.
Undertale has some great qualities, but it’s visuals are not one of them. Please.
Can I get a call when you no longer shit on other people’s accomplishments in order to feel good about yourself?
A fixed camera Resident Evil style game would be great for this series.
It’s actually low compared to a lot of RPGs.
Yes, because that is the only possible reason.
I think it’s a valid response when people say shit like “Making a pixel art game is easy, any idiot can do it.”