That's a space station!
That's a space station!
I guess, fundamentally, any civilization with the patience and the threshold technological capability to travel between the stars would — more likely than not — wipe the floor with us pretty quickly.
I just thought I would mention that I agree.
I second this comment.
I vaguely remember them shooting a planet out of another dimension too... Is that accurate?
When I was a wee lad I read one of those Star Trek The Next Generation books... well, okay, I read several. Point being, in Vendetta the reader discovers that the Doomsday weapon was a prototype for a larger weapon designed and built by a race who were facing extinction by the Borg. In brief, the weapon was…
Yeah, if I remember correctly the Lensmen were using planets as projectile weapons. Base too well armored and defended for energy weapons? Throw a planet at them!
I enjoyed his characters in House of Suns. Just the idea of a "Shatterling" was a pretty fun one.
Said it before and will say it again - I started with House of Suns. Many start with Revelation Space, then Redemption Ark then Absolution Gap...
I got into it via House of Suns. After that I segued into Revelation Space, Redemption Ark and Absolution Gap.
Everlasting Gobstoppers?
I agree with Dr. Lizard.
I am surprised this landed on io9 - I would have thought Atlas Shrugged was a little off topic but, hey, you never know.
I am surprised that no one has pointed out the fact that the SR-71 didn't have hover capabilities either...
Good thing this was the 11th Doctor... if it were the 10th I am sure all we would see is his back side while he is yelling "RUN!!!"
Took me a moment to realize you were referring to the mutant Pixies from the Ellis run on Astonishing X-Men and not the band...
I am having the same problem. I used to switch over to the old Gizmodo to get my reply notifications, but now they have gone to the new setup too so I am lost in the wilderness...
Hello Friends -
Yeah - the Riker/Troi relationship never had any pizzaz. It was a lame send up to the fans that had them get together in the movies. Troi/Data - that would have been fun... The woman who can sense emotions and the man that has none. Awesome.
I feel like such a kid when I catch myself smiling at these trailers...