
Why not Alipay or via WeChat?

First stop in North America, Toronto gives a lot of negative impression about Canada. People are rude, not majority, but maybe the percentage of immigrates and lots of people having high pressure from work. Traffic is horrible, not because the population, but the design of traffic lights, interactions, make nonsense

Way too expensive, only Asians buy it to show off.

Coke Zero has much better taste than Diet Coke.

Why do we even care about check in early?

Exactly. Or even get them a private jet as those employees are so IMPORTANT.

Really depends which area or industry you are working on.

Wonder how the performance would like on a i7-2670QM, 8GB RAM, Nvidia GT555M and SSD laptop?

Anyone knows what kind of chair Carl is using at the office? Seems really comfortable especially with the head rest part. Was thinking to invest on a herman miller Aeron, but it doesn’t come with the headrest.