

So, let me get this straight, your contention is that the “Clinton/POLITICSASUSUALOVERLORDZ Machine” (that’s the moniker you use in your accelerationist fever dreams, right?) has somehow convinced every remotely reputable critical thinker who has access to a platform with which to distribute their thoughts that

Trump get baited into wars on twitter with b list celebrities. What do you think he’s gonna do when someone real calls him out on his shit. For fuck’s sake the man sued Bill Maher over a joke, and is currently crying about Alec Baldwins portrayal of him on SNL. If Trump’s skin was any thinner we’d have to carry him

Putin, is that you?

Kotaku is right next to Breitbart on the keyboard, I make that mistake all the time.

Eh, I’m not going to try and convince you out of your beliefs, but the Arab Spring started as a purely democratic and positive uprising that later turned because extremists took advantage of the void. I would have supported it initially, too, as would most democracy-loving people. Hindsight is 20-20.

I think this guy might be a Trump fanboy...

Yeah, but lets not assume Team ICO is on the same scale as Square Enix in terms of teams and resources.