
"In general, too many movies mistake 'ZOMG CAN SHOOT THINGS" with "strong woman!'"

The really eye roll inducing thing here is that writing interesting female characters could be so much easier than they're making it: just write an interesting character and have that character happen to be female. The same stuff that makes a male character interesting and sympathetic and compelling is the stuff that

Back when it was first on, we called ourselves "regular dudes who watch a cool cartoon".

Now, ironically, the money she's made doing porn has disqualified her for what little financial aid she'd been getting.

Why do you? Men date women the same age as their daughters; nobody says boo.

Ahhhh, people like you make being outside the norm such a treat.

Meh, my first spouse was 18 years older. I was 21 and she was 39 when we met. We were married 12 years and broke up for normal reasons. We outlasted everyone we knew who were much closer in age. We remain friends to this day.

Ever watch "The Killing"? Has a ton of strong female lead roles. Probably because it's based on a Scandinavian show and I seem to remember hearing that those countries treat women better than anywhere else.

In other news, generic white girl looks like generic white disney princess. More at 11.

That is what I thought too, but according to another comment we are just jealous haters.

Yeah, my exact thoughts. I am really missing what is "remarkable" about her resemblance. She dressed herself up to look like the character, and SHOCKER she looks the character. Don't people do this at Cosplay conventions all the time? And I mean Disneyworld/land is filled with people that are payed to do this?

I'm with you on this one. She's simply a cosplayer that doesn't suck.

Am I the only one who doesn't think she looks all that much like Elsa? In that ONE shot with the angling and raised eyebrow, yes, but the others she just looks like someone - albeit a very, very pretty someone! - in an Elsa costume, with little resemblance other than the wig and dress.

From her instagram, it seems like her eyes aren't even naturally blue, and her natural blonde is quite a bit darker than Elsa blonde dye. I'm gonna have to go with a lot of the haters on this...she's a pale blonde woman who is somewhat skilled with makeup. Not much "remarkable" about it.

Right? This isn't remarkable. There are lots of pretty blonde girls who look like generically pretty blonde characters when they raise an eyebrow.

most of the articles they run are an embarrassment to news, why does her skin colour matter? I'd suggest that the sheer unremarkableness of this story is the real problem

Not to be a huge Debbie Downer, here, but wouldn't most pretty blonde girls look like Elsa when dressed like Elsa?

Breaking news: Pretty white blonde looks like pretty white blonde cartoon character.

That got gross pretty fast

You definitely sound like a cunt. It is what it is.