

Tbh, I'm also gonna miss Finn the most. Colin and Robert can beat it.

Emily's story was by far my favorite thing about the revival. Emily is the best Gilmore Girl after all (don't fight me on this).

Even at Lane's theres a spare room that Brian sometime's uses too. They mention it in Winter.

You mean the asian balding guy with the glasses? He's in like all 7 seasons an NEVER utters a word! He da real MVP.

I 100% did NOT remember this and apparently I'm not alone in this collective amnesia! It's like Ramsey cut it from our minds also, lol.

I agree with you on the play being the public version of what went down.

I'm conflicted. I literally call Jorah "Nice Guy™" but gosh darn it, that scene has me on the verge of looking up some D/J fanfic, ugh!

"The Ironborn crown is driftwood."
Oh my Gods, I thought that was de stupidest thing.

I think it means that, as a society, we make a priority to protect kids (women and children first!) whenever something bad happens… but something bad can as easily happen to a bus filled with grownups than to a bus filled with school kids. In conflict zones bombs can harm adults and children alike, etc. So it makes

I'd watch the shit out of that show.

My thoughts exactly. It actually offends me that these girls are supposed to be accurate representatives of my generation, and while their experiences are valid and realistic to many, I have never met someone as unlikable, narcissistic and selfish as Hannah. And if I did, I would certainly avoid that person like Trump

My friends LOVE Girls. And when the first season ended they urged me to watch it. The moment Lena's character took the hotel maid's tip I felt a blinding rage that told me this show was not for me. I never watched episode 2 and apparently saved me tons of rage!

I live (in Mexico) right next door to a Blockbuster that is on its deathbed. I can hear its agonizing moans everynight…

I was really enjoying it tbh, but then last night I saw the finale and, well, yeah.

Scream Queens, tho.

Needs more cowbell.

No, I know. It was weird to save playlists as files, but I love making playlists (and Spotify is awesome in that capacity). I guess I miss the winamp skins? Or maybe I just miss being 16, that's always a possibility.

Spotify's Monday recommendations are on point almost every time!

I have hated iTunes forever and much rather prefer Spotify even if it means I don't actually have the mp3 stored on my computer or phone. I miss winamp tho. Winamp was bae.