Track: Antarcticans Thawed | Artist: Sleep | Album: The Sciences
Track: Antarcticans Thawed | Artist: Sleep | Album: The Sciences
What I don’t understand is why the NHL would think their audience is right for an ad defending a bumbling grifter of a chief executive.
That’s some mealy-mouthed bullshit right there. “What’s the plan going forward?” Might as well ask him “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”
So I called up the captain, I said please bring me MY WIFE, he said, we haven’t had that money here since, 1969...
Sure, divert all our military power to guarding the border with Mexico. Leaving the border with Canada wide open for those jackbooted, maple syrup loving, thugs to come over and pillage our cities and rape and murder Americans in mass numbers as their long awaited revenge for Wayne Gretzky leaving Edmonton for Los…
There’s a lot of CTE going on within this exchange.
The most significant number regarding the U.S. betrayal of Puerto Rico? 45.
Pineapple on pizza is delicious. A bacon and pineapple pizza is one of life’s treasures.
Well, unfortunately mom has to get the clothes out of the dryer in the basement and that’s right behind my sweet gaming rig. She says boobies is bad. I’ve complained about being 40 and how I should be able to look at what I want. But she just goes on and on about it being her house and me getting a job, blah, blah. So…
JFC, these pathetic angry nerds are the fucking worst shit.
Get a fucking life.
Who gives a flying fuck if girl streamers want to show cleavage?
You know, this is a solid comment, but you’re really not saying anything special. You’ve got a good closing line, but not a great one, nothing we haven’t seen here before. It’s just these early comments are set up to make it so much easier to get in some snark at the expense of the writer.
I put a remote controlled bomb in your car but I’ll detonate it only if you run a red light. Won’t be an issue?
I used to work for the show’s original producers in a limited capacity during their stint at MLP. Met some really brilliant people while I was there, all working on exciting stuff. God, the things that were planned for this show. Back then, everyone was so committed to making this a high-fantasy sitcom with consistent…
In season eight of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, debuting March 24 on Discovery Family, Twilight Sparkle and…
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
The thick, black-and-white rulebook packaged with every copy of the 1979 war-game The Campaign For North Africa is…
Good news: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a really cool game. Bad news: It’s dense and complicated as hell, and…
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