
Love the review as usual, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who likes cars like this specifically because they're anonymous. I want 300+ hp in an unassuming package. The fact that nobody knows I can blow by them in my boring little sedan is the whole allure of buying something like this. Hell,

As a side note, Top Gear offends everyone eventually.

Did no one see the British Leyland episode? They're not even that kind to Britain.

The actress has spoken. The show must go.

Chrysler: To Hit the Bullseye, Sometimes you just Need a Bigger Dart.

Kurt Cobain wrote a song called "Something In The Way." As it turned out, that something was his face, and it was in the way of a bullet.

A little hard to read. But I think this ad is also awesome.

Fittingly, 'Kinja Users' are ignored.

Not only is the 2014 Cooper S better than the Fiesta, the 2013 Cooper S is, as well. And both are better than the Focus ST, to boot. I test drove both, and so did my wife. The Ford products weren't even close... very plasticky and phoney (right down to the piped-in engine sounds on the Focus). The MINIs were much more

No no no, the Countryman is HUGE FAT BLOATED and a blight on the history of Mini... now this tiny little Spark thing is a great small car that's exactly the same size.

Rather worrying that it only rates 2 points higher than the Horse.

Fixed the headline for ya -

So much for right-wingers who claim to support the "invisible hand of the free market". Seems that only applies when it works in the favor of their preferred lobbyists' industry...

Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32

"We're not happy to see the 1500 runners decide to register their dissent in such a visible, disruptive manner," said a Nike spokesman while drooling slightly, "but even we have to admit, it was pretty gratifying to watch them exercise their right to protest."

It's a contest to find out who has the most plastic, right?

3rd Gear:

TWO things that I would love to be in.

Next up is a Van Gogh edition with only one wing mirror.

Porsche had a solution to the 6/10 problem, they just chose not to sell it.

Russia can keep ringing all they want. They dont have an Carriers. They have a single vessel which they classify as a 'Aircraft Cruiser.' The oil fired Admiral Kuznetsov has no catapults, and is nearing the end of her service life. I hear they intend to refit her soon though.