
Hello I am an S-Class in drag. But I do look fairly decent though.

Oh shut up Putin puppet.

I remember in one of the books he mentions that the Cord was “one of the few American cars with character.” They certainly are damn interesting cars, but my patriotic hackles raised a little bit when I read that.

So they changed their minds, BFD. It’s hard to be interested by the whining of people whose supercars (which cost as much as my house) don’t happen to be convertibles.

Toronto is almost certainly the best large city I’ve ever driven in.

The B-52 tho

Trying to see why you think has anything to do with political correctness other than an unashamed case of left-bashing.

True, when I posted it still had them listed as having ejected. RIP.

I love how this post has been overrun by 25 folks with burner accounts attacking Turkey...

Good to see that Turkey doesn’t have any inhibitions when it comes to defending its airspace. I suspect that most countries, when confronted with a Russian jet, would just let it slide for fear of starting something.

The entire front fascia screams Dodge but I still think it’s cool.

Damn those teeth sure don’t look pretty in HD...

Probably gonna have to be the original S60 2.4T and T5 - this particular shade is called Maya Gold. Is it green? Is it yellow? Sure as hell ain’t gold and the Mayans would be offended to have the name associated with them. 2003 and 2004 brought about the much more pleasant Ash Gold.

Basically the same shit that Japan pulled 75 years ago...

Damn this picture is cool.

“We have an agreement among the families to protect our interests”

You were surely alive when the 456 was released!

Please let the RCAF get some of these in its garage.

That was even worse when they had that Milpas intersection perpetually under construction. That was godawful.

M3 of that era did it in about 6. If you can beat an M3....