
7.2 sec to 60 for the early 2000s isn’t half bad. Especially when you consider that the current FR-S only does it in around 7.1

They also invented aspirin and saved the world from a lot of pain so let’s call it even.

Did they really need a whole study to tell them that? It’s not like it’s completely obvious or anything...

Well at least now it fits in the family stable now that it looks just like the Touareg Q3 Q5 and Q7...

Huh, this is an interesting way to design the center console with the dashboard top swooping down like that. Kinda begs the question....why?

A car this deceptively amusing to drive should at least have the only gauge that really matters.


How in heaven’s name does that look anything like a Charger?

Seven white people. This needs to be more representative of America’s population.

And that’s a V70 that’s getting obliterated, wait until the Civic toting the gigantic exhaust gets put in. Pretty sure its atoms will be split.

I suspect to identify different teams? Just a guess.

Always hated these weird headlights. Thank god they had the good sense to bring back the round ones on the 997.

This one seems to have Royal New Zealand Air Force roundels beneath its contractor paint job, what’s the deal with that?

Nah, SLS + G-Wagen 6x6.

“Mr. Ambassador, you have nearly a hundred naval vessels operating in the North Atlantic right now. Your aircraft has dropped enough sonar buoys so that a man could walk from Greenland to Iceland to Scotland without getting his feet wet. Now, shall we dispense with the bull?”

Need one of these

This, maybe without the S-class. Keep it in the family.

From the video it seems to be an MBT rather than an IFV or APC, and the Saudis according to Wikipedia only operate the M1 and the older M60 Patton. Judging from the shape it looks to be an M1.

The Mustang II was like that one kid who just smoked his way through high school while his siblings went to Ivy Leagues.

Seems like a metaphor for the Royal Navy as a whole.....high tech but smaller and barely a shadow of its past self.