
Brasil. Marinha = Portugues.

Second video: "There's a definite bullet wound to the gentle...uh...suspect's stomach"

Definitely got the lines of a classic 456 from this angle.

Given that it was an OG Volvo chances are he didn't even notice he'd hit somebody

Came here to say that, the resemblance is uncanny...

Which is why I said "something like a MAD scenario" ie just the one-sided policy of massive retaliation. So yes I was using the term rather loosely. Perhaps a better one would be SAD....singular assured destruction.

I think the likelihood of supplanting the C17 with an Antonov is just about zero. Indigenous designs and manufacture have trumped rationality in the case of the LCS over foreign and NATO competitors...that a Russian/Soviet will step in to take the place of a Boeing just seems completely unrealistic.

Quite the contrary, it's the *threat* of escalation that prevents you from having to do anything whatsoever. In other words, the reason why the US and USSR didn't shoot at each other apart from proxy wars. Read about the "massive retaliation" policy. Basically the reason the Soviets didn't so much as fire a handgun

As Eric RC Guy originally stated, it's complete lunacy for them to attack a CSG (in which case they would be doing a whole lot more than that, in all likelihood) because of the very threat of those repercussions.

Yeah, that one. I don't think anyone here is arguing that it was a good thing because it's just about 100% indefensible...

I'm looking at it more as something like a MAD scenario. It's pretty much inevitable that any real war between the US and a nation in the position of someone like China, Russia, or depending on how things go Iran, won't just be "hey they plinked our carrier let's do some diplomatic talks, maybe lob a few Tomahawks and

I think the point is more "I don't want anyone to die, but if god forbid someone decides to kill some of my fellow Americans then let's blow them away."

Because the more money you hand to China the more they throw their weight around in the Pacific Rim and tell us to go to hell....I mean if you like their blatant trade violations and pretty much everything else they do, fine, but if you care about geopolitical implications it's best to send a big-ticket purchase like

I don't pretend to understand Volvo's AWD system or why it failed this guy when he needed it most. I just know it was a letdown, and I will never forget it.

Nevermind that an Arleigh Burke could romp a set of 1920s dreadnoughts with its eyes closed. Or that we don't need 600 warships to fight ISIS. The only threatening entities are Russia and China, and our conflicts with each of those at the moment amount to mere sabre-rattling at this point. Which is not to say that we

Love the smell of Black Hawks in the morning...

It seems strangely like a McLaren F1, what with the central driving position and the overall look..

Taillights from a Huracan?

This is basically how the average Indian family gets to work and school so this is a pretty easy feat...

Because aren't they all?