


2.) Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15

Don't know why everyone is complaining, it looks good....

When they were making the hatch , did they just say "hmmm the standard E46 looks too perfect, let's screw up its front just for kicks"

Meh, I have the 1998 V70 and I'd say the taillights look a bit happier than the S70/850 which looks like it's shrugging indifferently at you...

After seeing this I think I know what "emission issues" they're talking about...

Wait until both of the pilots are confirmed safe before you start criticizing the 'waste of money.'

It went well with its corporate stablemate the Truk

In Asian markets yes they are hoping for the 10" variants

Well I don't know who in their right mind would pick up an ugly ass SL any more

The regular Messages emoji are so much better

All Volvos.

I mean it has a shiny grille if that's what you mean

Damn the Russkies are probably hella scared by that A330 there

Does anyone know the reasons for not choosing the Rafale/Typhoon/Gripen?


After owning three Volvos, I like them quite a bit (see my pic). And I'm assuming that a Chinese-built car, if made to the right specifications, will be indistinguishable from a Swedish or Belgian-built model. So maybe it's just out of jingoism, but given China's status as our looming preeminent geopolitical threat, I

Welp....this bit is kinda ugly

Aside from the fact that the incident was in 1988 (KAL 007 also happened back then?) and that it has nothing to do with this article whatsoever, you may remember that the cruiser was being attacked at the time by several Iranian wasn't just sitting around in the water and saying "oh look a plane let's kill