
The idea of it sounds awesome but I must confess it's pretty ugly. Can't say those Chrysler-spec doors look too great from the inside either...

You have to be pretty thick not to appreciate Beckham's talents.

311 hp? Meh. If they do a straight six properly, that would be perfect.

But what did you expect, that two BMW drivers would get on camera and say how much they hated them?

I'd win the ghetto-phone contest, I've got a Sony Ericsson C510.

If you can afford an XJ220 you can afford a damn garage!

If stealing from the Internet is bad, stealing from the cops is worse. They have the Internet and guns.

That's cuz you haven't driven a PT Cruiser.

oh and since you like being pedantic it was a 777 not a Dreamliner.

Agree on the shift knob, half of these things don't make sense. The Jag XJ is even worse with that weird hockey puck rotary shifter that never seems to want to work right...

Land Rover insists up and down that the Range Rover and Range Rover Sport appeal to two different potential buyers, with the latter skewing older, more affluent, more apt to have the "best" of everything. But the Sport is so good in so many ways now that I wouldn't be at all surprised if it steals more than a few

The best thing is that R8 and 9F are right next to each other on the keyboard....well I guess everyone knew that already and I'm late to the party...

The orange one with the black wing is an LM for sure.

In a particularly wealthy part of Santa Barbara, CA there's a left lane exit, surrounded by trees, with no advance warning whatsoever. If you're from out of town finding your way around, good luck.

Additionally the Sentinel in GTA IV was an E46 so the 3 makes more sense than a I can't wait until the PC car mods come out...

Hope it handles better than the one in GTA IV - that thing was like a Maersk freighter.

They had the same thing in San Andreas.....that thing was hoot to drive.

if you're on the PC type in "fullclip"

Despite the spoiler-alerty title and fairly predictable-sounding plot, the books look pretty adorable. The Volvo is anthropomorphized in a way I can stand behind, eye-placement-wise, and the illustration style looks pretty loose and charming. I only have found a picture of the cover, and from it I can tell there's a

Like, every Audi ever. Albeit less-understeery ones.