Asada Chichi

I’m not “comparing them”—not in the way of saying “these are exactly the same”. I’m pointing out that bigotry is not exclusive to the conservative sphere.

Yes, apparently straight men are disposable.  This does explain a lot about US military conflicts.

What does the left have?

There’s a thing called queer theory? I thought the whole concept was pretty clear, why does there need to be a theory? 

I'll bet you the people complaining are just as desperate for attention as the writers on io9, manufacturing outrage and controversy where none really exist. I'll also bet you that Voltron's fan base is bigger than 3 whining jerks on Twitter.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Representation in media isn’t a purity thing. There’s a scale of shittyness, from “you pretend we don’t exist” to “you only show us as bad guys” to “you only show us as good guys if we die for it”.

The irony is, Voltron already had an amazing example of representation. When Pidge admitted to being a girl, the team was

Unfortunate. When you are more concerned about this kind of thing then making a quality show then you’ve already messed up. 

Entirely possible, really all this has made me feel that social media is terrible. I don’t trust ANYTHING I see or read on it.