
The quotation you cited is arguing for doing away with identification of people on the basis of color, and does so in eloquent fashion. I am not against that proposition. However, that passage does not in anyway refute my statement that whiteness=white people as long as we live in a world in which people are

You can’t seperate whiteness from white people nor can you argue that whiteness is a creation while on a website that celebrates blackness. I am not arguing for white celebration month or any nonsense like that, but there is as much a white culture as there is a black culture, the positives of which should be

“There is no redeeming value in whiteness”

Let me guess:

Bringing a weapon to that party with the intent to shoot it makes you a mass murderer. Even white supremacists are still a long way from the psychopathy of indiscriminate killing.

I seem to remember slavery ending in the Northern states without a war.

I’d vote for that ban any day of the week, though.

I don’t think I’m overestimating the number of people who are enthusiastic about the idea of shooting “libtards.”

^ The correct answer

This stood out to me as reported by CNN on the white supremacist who killed in Charlottesville.

“Im not a racist i just want to pay less taxes. So what if i have to elect a racist who will mostly lower the tax burden on the obscenely wealthy while taking away healthcare for the poor. That extra $5/mo i save in taxes is goddamn worth it”

Yes. YES. If you voted for Trump for “economic” or “pro-life” reasons or some bullshit like that, you voted for racist policies, period. You don’t care what happens to people who are directly affected by racism, so you are supporting it.

The effects of all of Trump’s policy goals are to hurt the poor and minorities for the sake of the privileged. He’s not driving a car into a crowd of people, he’s driving the fucking country into them.

Trump didn’t denounce the murderer in Charlottesville, he equivocated about “many sides.”

Ah, but only one of these presidents condemned the person responsible...

This is an incorrect take.

No, to pick a side and stick with it no matter what your sides does because, well, it’s your side and you believe overall it’s the better one. That’s pretty much the recipe for what later became all the horrible shit that ever happened. It’s JUST as important to hold your side accountable. ally against Nazis?

Haha seriously. Some of us think EVERYONE sucks. The guy who drove into the crowd is a psycho. The guy who shot up an abortion clinic is evil. The guy who shot up the Republican baseball game is evil. The Evergreen State protestors are weirdos.

So much mediocrity in 2 sentences.