Pretty sure “treason against humanity” is part of the GOP motto
Pretty sure “treason against humanity” is part of the GOP motto
The Reichstag tire.
That right there made me spit out my 🍺! Needs more stars!
It’s not your problem personally, so it is nobody’s problem. Typical southerner attitude.
Your masters will be thrilled to see the efficacy of their brainwashing in public!
The difference between union and non-union is the fact I won’t get fired because my boss didn’t get laid over the weekend.
No doubt that tire committed suicide.
No one can stop you. You’re in a Plymouth Laser now.
Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.
So, does anybody else spend a day reading this shit and just wondering....did I die?
I prefer my convertible year round. Fall is best because it is cooler and rains less. Spring is nice but very rainy. In the Summer, I have the top down in the morning or evening, but can’t stand to be cooked by the sun on a hot Summer midday. Where I differ from most convertible owners is I will drive in the Winter…
Being hot out is generally the only reason I put the top up. Cold? Snow? Rain? No problem, put on some clothing and top goes down. But if its 90 degrees out and I’ve been either driving all day or outside running around in the sun, no way! Then its top up and blast the AC until my fingers cant move because they are so…
Extreme temps are hard on all plastics. My NB has a glass rear window. The top will last is you take care of it, and when it does go, replacement isn’t terribly expensive or difficult to do
Top down in the snow is a top motoring time, done that a few times and always have a blast.
Good on ya. I’m the same way. If it’s not currently raining when I set off, then I have the top down because that’s why I bought it. You do get weird looks cruising down the highway in the snow if a wool coat on, but fuck them, I’m having fun.
Conversely, it makes me very happy to see a top down during weather that’s cold enough to see your breath. Those drivers totally enjoy every minute of open air driving that their cars can afford them.
When I owned my Pontiac Solstice (shut up, it was fun as hell), I had the top down when the sun was out from about 40 degrees to about 90 degrees. Course, being in Portland, the sun being out wasn’t a condition that happened very often, but man, those sweet sweet sunny days...I think you appreciate them more when…
This is why I like the idea of Mini’s “Openometer” to measure how much the top is down to at least let people geek out how much they have the roof open instead of buying a convertible and never opening the top because they don’t want to mess up their hair.