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    What kind of question is this? Who wants every game to be a hundred-hour slog? Little games you can play through quickly and be done with are awesome.

    Newest PTR change gives her a second rez for her ult, kinda like Junkrat’s second mine. Looks like it might be the right balance.

    I don’t understand the point of all these live-action adaptations of cartoons. The characters were designed as illustrations, and the story’s already been told; what do we get from this, aside from a bunch of CG?

    I guess I was lucky, then, because I got this one on the first try. That was after I did some wandering on my own, though - I didn’t notice the Korok who starts the mission going. I happened to wander to the wolf and kill it myself, and then there was no issue when I had to follow the Korok. For me the whole

    All the more reason to leave it alone, right? There are better things to worry about. =p

    Ahh, fair enough. :P

    Sonic Generations, Sonic Colors and the daytime stages of Sonic Unleashed were great. It’s funny to see them try two different Sonic engines after those and then just go back to the thing that worked.

    “This kind of game is terrible. Instead they should be making this other kind of game, which they are.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I honestly didn’t know the PS4 even had a web browser.

    From the sound of it, adding features isn’t what this game needs. The article’s saying that the fundamental play of it isn’t good, and needs reworking.