
Unpopular opinion: being shitty to a shitty person is still shitty, and calling a woman a cunt, while not as bad as calling an African American an ape, is still pretty fucking shitty. I think we can tear down Ivanka without resorting to gendered slurs and contributing to the general level of vitriol and disrespect in

When I was a yoot, Death Rock and Goth referred to fairly specific subsets of an overarching culture we hadn’t really bothered to name yet (speaking of Front Range Colorado in the 80's) - I think around the early-mid 90's is when we just kinda shrugged and went with “Goth” as an umbrella term, mostly so we wouldn’t

Zimbardo’s experiments were terrible, and just publicity stunts to push his preconceived ideas. Dude is a crank without credibility.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

You sound like someone that’s been offended by nothing.

Reinhardt, Winston, and Brigette don’t have to aim either. Don’t be a jerk.

The police are pretty much obligated to respond. They didn’t actually do anything, so this is one case, at least, where they aren’t the story.

The problem, I’m guessing, is that the police want to err on the side of caution in case something goes wrong, and they were a no show. It’s not fair, but it’s the right thing to do. If some idiot clutches his diamond encrusted kravat and calls 911 over black people golfing, there’s no telling what other lengths he’d

I can see how it was a genuinely horrible position for him to be in. There was a very real possibility from where he was standing that he could end up in a situation where he kept quiet about the fact that they were pursuing new leads, and then have those leads lead to real results (we know now, of course, that they

Clint gets a lot of shit on here, but there are better targets. His films have an anti-racist slant. He has almost always paired himself with a nonwhite partner, dating back to before that was common or expected, and in the films in which his character is a bigot, something happens that forces him to grow out of it.

Would people shut up please? This intermittent “whoo!” just pisses me off.

Websites should only post stuff that I like and care about.

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

I did research on workplace sexual harassment in law school. I’m hardly an expert, but a lot of my research showed that a reason some victims do not come forward is that they do not actually want to ruin their harasser’s life and get him fired. For some victims, they want a more restorative approach (counselling,

Maybe it’s just me, but I didn’t like some of the comments the judge in this case made. It felt like watching a court in Egypt or Iraq where they brag about the punishment they’re about to give you. Also, insinuating that you wish you could have Nassar assaulted the way he did his victims? FFS.

If he’s worried about sexual abuse by religions, he should be calling on people to burn down the Vatican.

Sorry Oprah, but no. Would she be better than Trump? Most definitely. But then so would my four year old. And for all the good Oprah has done, she hasn’t always showed the best judgement either. She’s to blame for the massive platforms of both “Dr” Phil and “Dr” Oz.

Good, I’m glad the only one who didn’t see “President Oprah?” headlines and feel my eyeballs roll away. Maybe she’s famous and makes a decent speech, but those aren’t the only (or even the key) qualifications. And let’s not forget that she introduced us to the bullshit of Dr Oz, promoted anti-vaxxerism with Jenny

No more celebs that have no political experience for pres.

I need people to stop drafting celebrities to be President, especially Oprah.