
This is absolutely not a good thing to do. Sometimes people do it *painfully* and it obviously is a sort of assault, and the moment people start doing it to politiicans you *like* you’ll be quite upset about it. Beside that, it simply pushes us further towards irrationality in our political behaviour and thinking (a

Goths don’t need to wear all-black, nor do they need to wear eyeliner. What IS an important defining point for being a goth is listening to gothic music, and, while a bunch of those bands listed have a certain goth-adjacency and were often liked by goths, they were also... kinda just listened to by literally everyone

“The VIPs’ tour guide for the evening, Mount Vernon president and CEO Doug Bradburn, told the president that Washington did, after all, succeed in getting the nation’s capital named after him. Good point, Trump said with a laugh.”

I’m normally pretty sensitive to awful acting, and this was... actually fairly fine to me. Frankly, as “SquidEatinDough” said, the performances were about on par (and frequently better) than what we’ve seen from the Bethesda and Obsidian Fallout games (with exceptions, of course).

The other daughter seems normal enough, and hopefully the young kid.

Bites you on the cheek?  Was your nerdy hobby related to Klingons by any chance?  

Thank you for having the name “Brick McIronHard”  : 3

Yup, it’s still there - including the elemental. I’m pretty sure all the places you go for those totem quests are still accessible (although at least one or two have some new inhabitants - the area where you got the totem in the Arathi Highlands is full of pirates now).  

Unfortunately, a lot of people just didn’t experience it because they thought the Pandaren was a silly idea to focus an expansion on. I was actually one of them! I didn’t need WoW to be 100 percent serious, but the Pandaren started as a silly easter egg.

Benedict Humblelad

I do generally agree with you - though EonBlue might have a point about their dive tactics leaving their supports in a bad spot. However, I’m not sure I agree altogether about Diya. He seems to me to have improved considerably, though *mostly* I think as a sniper. Until a few games ago, I’d thought that one of the

I don’t think he meant it in an “eat shit” sort of way - I think the point Comey was trying to make is that the pro-Trump folk will, if he’s impeached, treat it as yet another conspiracy from the powerful to take down their guy. If Trump loses in an election, it’s much harder for them to cry out that some short of

He’s a person - like most people, he’s conflicted. Cheer when he does something good, boo when he does something bad.

... all you can say about Rabe is “Rabe was a German and a proud member of the Nazi Party”?

“However subdued Trump’s tweet sounds, he still hints at the possibility of voter fraud by suggesting ‘write-in votes’ were crucial to Jones’s victory.”

The wikipedia article claims that he was a family doctor - while it does seem that he spent more time treating Hitler’s mother, he did at least once see Hitler (who was actually the first member of the family to see him).

This is a decision I made way back during Vanilla - last dungeon I did then was Sunken Temple, and it was a hateful experience all the way through.

I’m curious. Trump claimed that previous presidents have promised - as *campaign* promises - to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Is this true? I first heard him say this during a BBC broadcast, and they didn’t say anything, but... had previous presidents made such promises? If they DID, why on Earth would

As TheDude said - Warhammer is a fantasy-based strategy game, and was the first one made. Later, the company decided a sci-fi rendition of Warhammer would be cool, so 40k came into existence.

Eh, the article pretty clearly shows he’s not really a Trump supporter - he’s just trying to be positive. How many people have gone and said “... well, hopefully it was just bombast, hopefully Trump will wise up when he actually gets in the office” after the election? Bridges had all the more reason, due to the