
Wow, the guy really will do anything to avoid writing new pages of Game of Thrones.

Wait, so when Jordan dunked from half court in Space Jam, did he get 3 points for that?? I don’t remember but I wanna say he got 2. PLOT HOLE.

whatever. She still won the popular slope.

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? This amazes me.

This is like using CTRL-F to find and replace text in an article. If you are not careful you’ll end up with lots of unintended covfefes.

My own goalie slid into my leg and tore my ACL when I was 14. I was on D and called him off the ball so I could slide tackle the opponent who was on a breakaway, but that fat stupid idiot just wouldn’t listen. Slid right into me. Fat, fat idiot

Marfan is more than career-threatening.

We debated this one for a while trying to parse out Scherzer’s exact string of words, though some of them are pretty obvious. I think we’ve settled on “fucking bastard motherfucking bitch motherfucker” and now I can’t see it any other way.

He blew a .00 or, as John Daly calls it, .3 under par.

*Mike drop*

Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

“Over $1MM invested in this build, worth $20MM+, we know what we have, no lowballers or Palestinians. Bring a trailer.”

Iowan here. This is accurate. Why, that’s TWO Natty Lights at Hy-Vee that they took outta MY pockets!

“Hands up, don’t shoot”

Your comment sounds like a Chinese women trying to describe sex.

not being a dick at all but:

That’s why I love it when they sprawl out in the open, makes me feel like they feel completely secure and at home.

Last time a Kizer talked this big, the rest of us got drafted.

What's all this about flavorless chicken breasts? At my local natural food store, I only buy the freshest organic free-range ethically-rais[fades into background] [wind blows] [day turns to night] [flowers blossom, fade] [days lengthen, shorten, lengthen again] [tides change, orbits shift] [man becomes extinct]