
How many people are buying a house before marriage? Based on my anecdotal evidence, that seems kinda rare. I don't know anyone who has ever done that. I think it takes so long to get the money for a downpayment these days because of inflated housing prices, that people are married well before they can afford to buy a

I get that. I guess it just seems people prioritize it more than I do.

If it did Gymtastic and MyFitnessPal (which come on, that's gotta be like number 1), I'd sure be willing to try.

I guess my cutoff for the cost/return is much lower in years than most people. If I enjoyed a place for the 10 years I lived there, I think it would have been worth it even if it takes a little more effort to sell on.

I guess I just don't assume I will be laid off (though if I own that house I'm not sure the difference). I prepare for the worst, by why live your life expecting to get laid off or anything like that? I mean I get keeping that in mind, but the message always seems to put that as the number one priority.

Why is everything about resale? What if I want to do something crazy, because, ya know, I'll be living there and enjoying it for possibly 40-50 years! Sorry, just a pet peeve. Everyone seems to want to move on before they've even begun.

Ok I couldn't tell for sure from the article here. Seemed to be saying it connected all your apps, but really it's just trying to replace almost all of them. Disappointing. Thanks for checking.

Can someone give a list of all apps Nudge integrates with? I can't seem to find a list anywhere..

That's the easy one. The eating and drinking is where it becomes a hassle.

If kids cost 250k a year damn near nobody would be able to afford them.

I was at this game. Damn. The place just was nuts when that went down.

I see plenty of vegetables in that meal plan. Whether or not you use fresh or frozen shouldn't really be a point of contention, since as lifehacker already covered, frozen vegetables are just as good (if not better) for you.

Ah I see. Thanks for explaining and finding that link.

Yes sorry, which hack were you referring to is what I meant. I am not familiar with the lettuce one, how'd they do it incorrectly?

I'm not talking about snuggies. I'm talking about wearing a robe forwards vs backwards. Same coverage.

You can cover the exact same amount of your body whether the robe is forwards or backwards, as long as you tie it the same way.

Seems like you'd have the same warmth if you just, ya know, wore it regularly.

Just curious which one you are referring to here Whitson, wasn't obvious to me right away.

I wouldn't say there's no special software for a file server. Are you going to do NFS? Samba? AFS? Etc. Those are all packages with configuration files you have learn how to deal with.

Interesting. I guess that must be the midsized ones. I work at a place large enough to do our own. Then you have the mom and pop shops with their nephew being the IT department. I guess it makes sense.