
Ok that's what I thought. I've been doing 8% for now but didn't know if that was what I should stick with or if it lost some benefit thanks to the lack of matching.

How do I get it for free? I bought it last year from the App Store. It shows up as 40 bucks though.

I found keepass to be a real pain in the ass on mac. I wouldn't say 1password is "good enough," I would use that designation for keepass on OSX. I think 1password is outstanding. Like you said though, pretty much only if you're in the Apple ecosystem (which work puts me in).

This seems like as good a place as any to ask. I'm 25 and have a fairly nice job thankfully. This has allowed me to put away money into my 403(b) every month even though I need to go through this article and learn how to budget. My question is, how much should I be putting in there? There is no employer matching. Is

Bluetooth attacks are becoming commonplace. They're much easier to pull off than picking the lock or jimmying it. They walk by until they find someone's car responding to their attempts. Then it looks to bystanders like they are just reading a quick email or something and then they get into the car. This is vs them

Bluetooth attacks are becoming a much more common attack vector. The potential thief doesn't need to know you're running bluetooth. They just have to be walking by when they're trying to hack any cars that respond in the mall's parking lot.

Hacking bluetooth in cars is becoming a much more common attack vector. They don't have to know your car has bluetooth set up, they just have to try while they're trying a bunch of cars. This whole idea makes me shudder.

This is exactly the type of story Mark Clattenburg would tell.

I noticed that as well. I'm glad for THudd. He seemed like a good guy and he certainly showed flashes of being a very good player before his injury. I just don't think he's quite up to our ambitions anymore.

Captain 360. How I will sort of miss you, but really I like you better playing for Spurs' B team in SW London.

But if you test everything locally, that won't test your internet download speed at all. The whole point is to test your speed in downloading things from the internet over http (ya know, like browsing sites).

If only my tools could fit on/in something with a few cabinets and a benchtop...

I love this for the dumbass responses you're getting.

As someone living in Champaign, trust me. I used to think the same as you. When I can't stomach pizza while drunk, I know it's crap.

You might be better off eating the beads than eating Drew's pizza if you want delicious.

Actually it recently (I think Jan 1 this year) became legal to make those calls to your cell phone. Of course nobody said much about it and what with it being around the holidays it kinda went unnoticed by many. Also, you have to register your cell phone separately so keep that in mind.

I wish I could make my bed. As one of my dogs must stay in my room all day, and has a habit of enjoying being under the blankets, all my efforts are for naught.

Hang on. There's a SOUTH America?

And the guy missed this:

Jesus people. Don't read the obvious soccer article if you don't want to look at soccer articles.