Maybe she didn't because her namesake is Amy Adams. One more hit can make you rich.
Maybe she didn't because her namesake is Amy Adams. One more hit can make you rich.
So a couple of baseless accusations saying DRose and Peyton Manning are jerks and that's the same thing as actual verified stories of Lebron being a jerk?
Right, because the people who backed up Chael Sonnen lied too...
And ya IHateLebron, even though it was really from Deadspin, I just used that since it already had the screen shot for me. Oh and 3 other ones. But ya you're probably right. Oh and the fact that the photog for that shoot (a world famous sports photog) had…
Never actually submitted a question for this so my experience is useless. I actually tend to find the questions kind of annoying and like people are just making up absurd questions to be the ruler of the askers. I just read because Drew can take these crap questions and entertain me with them still.
Aren't there plenty of ski resorts open year round? I'm asking honestly because I'm too poor to ski.
Well there's this:…
And this:…
Not a one time thing either...
You forget that Lebron is also a grade A prick, but ya Dwight is not the lovable oaf he'd like us to think.
This might be my favorite joke ever.
My Cousin Vinny
Fair enough, you don't like it. I'm not necessarily talking about people saying they don't like the look of it. Looks are subjective. The people trashing the general idea because it's not a data center worthy rack are the ones I was adressing here.
You guys do realize this is a *home* server set up right? Most home servers are going to be low powered or old machines laying around turned into a file server. Sorry this doesn't have 48U and water cooled cabinet doors, but seriously, that is not the target market here.
Instead of bashing, why don't you give an…
Do you have a link or model name?
The confusion here is outstanding. This had to be crossposted right?
He's just a self hating Chicagoan. He complains about it at any and all opportunity.
Hmm interested in something like this, though I would probably just set it up with my tv. So I guess I'm very interested in the Raspberry Pi part of things.
Those SNES USB controllers are awesome, too. Anyone know if they have ones for other systems that are plug and play? Most say they are for PC/Mac only, would they…
Except in this case, which is why he was upset. But ya, no, you really got something figured out nobody had ever thought of before...
Ya he was saying that the DVR we have in the US is second world, UNLIKE (and that's the key there) that of Ireland and Australia which he is saying is good.
Woah woah woah, this guy definitely doesn't represent UofI let's not lump us in with that hipster.