"But we figure it must be worth it to someone since there's so damn much of it. But... apparently not."
"But we figure it must be worth it to someone since there's so damn much of it. But... apparently not."
And yet I can't do Facebook 2 factor auth since I occasionally clear my cookies..
Silver lining!
This. I can't believe all these people are saying (in a very holier than thou manner I might add...), that all touches of the phone are instant grounds for ending a date.
:( I can't see the thread you're replying to (Kinja!!!), but I'll agree with this very much (if you weren't already agreeing with me).
I believe he is using grill to mean face here.
Do your stick figures turn out like that?
+1 I'm really the first?
+1 Go Go Godzilla
"Your stupid" Right.
Good/great defense? Sure. But it takes offense as well to be outstanding "bro"
"He plays admirable defense and is pretty solid offensively. He doesn't make dumb mistakes and is a team first player." This is entirely accurate. While a very useful player, outstanding he is not..
Outstanding? Is that you Landry?
+1 ticket to hell
The motherf*cker thing is actually a play on a famous movie quote. Also, who said they were moving to kinja in order to discourage crass and witty (why would they want to remove wittiness?) commetns?
I thought nobody watched soccer..? How could that get into basketball then?