some dude

honestly? i think it could look okay if the sides were flattened out a bit, more along the lines of a late 30's/early 40's truck, like this one:

right? it should be common sense that something with a removable top/soft top is going to be louder inside.

Also, had to throw in one more from the bike. This was looping back into the valley from a fun little road that runs near Kings Canyon National Park (Hwy 245). The fun section runs between Hwy 180 and Hwy 198, and iirc, a bit further, and there’s a couple other roads that can be used for entry/exit along the way as

it’s kinda hard to pick just one...IIRC, first is either Hwy 5 or Hwy 97, headed north and looking back at Mt. Shasta.

i was wondering that too...sitting in front of the car doesn’t sound like a very effective de-escalation tactic, but what do i know?

we definitely have an ample number of those (both methheads and morons). having a standard cable to keep on board to connect between the car and charger might work, though it doesn’t stop full on vandalism...maybe they can find a way to better armor the chargers, though.

While I’d probably be the last person to discourage brushing up on your CW, it’s no longer a requirement, for General or can even be done online nowadays.

but will those charging stations be working/accessible?

we had a 4.5 a few years ago; i was heading back to work, stopped at a stoplight, and i thought something was wrong with my car, though it revved fine. heard the gas sloshing around in the tank and saw the stoplights shaking and realized it’d been an earthquake.

with the Bronco Sport being based on the Escape, it almost seems like a no-brainer (and minimal work) to offer the hybrid option there too

and it’s somehow worse in person. it seems like the angled shots don’t really give perspective how the wheel placement just looks...awkward in a dead-on side view.

given that i had to sign disclosure forms relating to the proximity of active train tracks and the airport flight paths (both of which are 5+ miles away) i can’t imagine there weren’t disclosures about the proximity of Laguna Seca (much less the common sense of knowing what’s around where you’re buying).

or like Sacramento Raceway, where in 2000, it was a good distance from town, but by 2015, the neighborhoods practically bordered on the track land

was this the precursor to the saturn Vue?

what are they comparing the wrangler to, though?

does that generation of the 911 have the outrageous lift off oversteer? 😆

well that’s odd.  last i looked it was right there between Japan and India. some geographic thing maybe? 

IMO...what i’ve seen so far (2 episodes) of “...India” isn’t quite up with “...Japan”, but ahead of “...Italy”.

does the C6 have resonators underneath? I don’t see anything about the cats being deleted, so it’s probably in the ballpark of what they sound like with the bypasses open (which..wasn’t it a ‘thing’ to pull the fuse so they’d default to open anyway?), which is a bit obnoxious, but not “straight piped front to back”

that figures :\ i was pondering zipcar for transportation next time i’m out that way, but metro seems like less of a hassle.