that, and the people willing to take out ever longer loans to afford a status symbol...any bets how long till we hit 15 year car notes?
that, and the people willing to take out ever longer loans to afford a status symbol...any bets how long till we hit 15 year car notes?
for which i’m thankful :D
right? and then we make the vehicles taller and heavier to meet the safety standards, and all of the sedans go away to meet the safety standards...
with the recent change to the side impact standards being even more difficult for small cars, no doubt there’s no chance of the fit coming back. even the accord slipped with the change, and the camry fell to ‘poor’. the fit wouldn’t stand a chance in that.
doesn’t look cut in half, looks like one of the smaller standard roll-off dumpsters with a liner (say...10-15 yard range), which have lower sides than the full 40-50 yard stuff most people think of.
My experiences with AAA have been hit or miss over the years. Usually about an hour to respond. Some careless drivers scraping the exhaust on the ground on the low car (ignored me as i was telling him it was going to hit), others on the ball with the no starts and dead batteries.
Murple looks to be an ex-Jucy van....did Jucy pull out of the states?
How does this list NOT include Carmageddon?
i guess it’d make too much sense to allow for choosing something approximating actual engine sounds?
couldn’t the weight issue be mitigated somewhat based on placement of the wheel? that was the best picture i turned up on google, but i remember seeing similar trailers behind VWs at shows that had the wheel in the center of the trailer, so somewhat less load directly carried by the car.
given some of the GM products i’ve had as rentals...even back to the mid 2000's (malibu and impala mostly, plus one saturn) had the ability to change units of measurement in the cluster with a couple button pushes...even the ‘analog’ gauges. can’t imagine the traverse didn’t have this in 2016
fly and ride adventure sounding tempting right now...
buying from a dealer? probably 3 or 4 days drive back, and fly out.
that ‘aftermarket suspension’ going on with the Camaro in slide 8 is a set of leaf spring traction bars...keeps the axle from twisting the leaf springs (and wheelhopping itself into a broken axle shaft) when you lay into the loud pedal.
I guess mine arent either, thankfully.
It probably used to be more like 35-40, and I think used to be 4 lanes...there was a big thing awhile back about making things more bike friendly, which meant a bunch of 4 lane streets restriped to 1 each way with a shared left turn lane and bike lanes. It's proximity to a "posted 45, reality more like 60" street is…
Figured out where this is...I think there’s a few contributing factors to why it’s such an issue:
i think my mazda missed the memo. 6' bed, and i hauled home a couple of 20 foot long 2x10's out the back of the bed. gate up, some 2x4's laid vertically under them for support, a few bags of cement stacked on them at the front of the bed, and a couple ratchet straps over the top and lasso’d over the ends. note i did…
this. kick one of the mentions of california off the list (i even say this living there) or hell, Nevada. The RANGE of terrain and views in Utah is mind boggling.