some dude

AAll the stars for this. We had the type pictured in the sucked, and broke. Gear type is where it's at.

The only thing I can guess is a lot of brand loyalty and reputation for Toyota, and prioritizing reliability over anything else, from people with zero care for driving g Dynamics. I will say I once CHOSE a Corolla as a rental...because the other option was a Prius. 

while i’ll give toyota credit for steps in the right direction, if this thing is basically $23k, i have a hard time with the value proposition, unless someone REALLY wants the smaller size.

while i haven’t driven the most recent iteration, i spent a few days with a rented 6 on CA Hwy 1 north of San Francisco, and the ride was just...better...that the same era camrys and accords....a little sportier, but well damped without being punishing.

no explanation is right.

on the flip side, i ordered a phone case a couple days ago. predicted for delivery today, then an email today that it’s being delayed.  then another saying it was delivered.... talk about confused...

options are great...complete agreement there. it’s just a shame when the options get washed away and/or buried by the rush to jump into the current trend.

heck, one time i ordered some cables and chargers in the morning, and they were on my doorstep that evening.

i was going to say, weight is probably the biggest issue of having the rack swing down (and getting it up again fully loaded).

it seems like another side benefit of starting with a clean sheet for an electric platform (especially in a 4wd direction) is more freedom as to the suspension; possible less need for driveshafts (via individual motors) leaves a lot of room for unencumbered suspension travel.

but how many of these “violations” are because the yellow light duration was reduced post-camera-installation?

not to mention, the street shots in the video show it running some long side pipes, and it doesn’t sound ungodly loud with the pipes on.

currently, pretty much yeah. between incoming materials and outgoing junk, the current one is loaded up with things besides bikes once or twice a month.

depends why they’re being hauled; if it’s to the shop for something outside my skills/tools, just one. if it’s out of town, currently two, may become three if the kiddo decides to learn to ride (we already have 3 bikes, currently).  trailer is currently set up for one, but could be reworked for two easily, three would

fair point; i’d probably do the fork mount at the front of the bed for bicycles.

i would put the Samsung/Peel app in the category as well, partly given it’s preinstalled and can’t be removed without rooting.  it was okay before, but now it insists on location, and started showing pop up add, insists on jumping on your lock screen with ads...etc.

this. preinstalled and undeletable. it was decent at one point, but one of the updates brought pop up ads, and lock screen ads and lag. it pretty much lives disabled (and eating space on my old phone) unless i need it for a hotel tv.  sadly, phones have moved away from IR emitters, the ability is kind of useful.

slightly off topic of sports cars, but full on board with the manual thing. currently pondering if i’m willing to put up with needing to haul bikes on a trailer (and have a manual) or give in to everything else being auto, but room to haul in the bed.

I wasnt actually there to buy...just wandering the lot while i waited for my truck to come out of service (airbag recall round 2).

you weren’t in selma, were you? that sounds EXACTLY like their pricing structure.