some dude

got to drive one to work after i had my truck in for service, and the shuttle driver took off to lunch and left me sitting there...i pitched a fit, and they got a salesman to take me to work, except he had me drive.

this alludes to something i was going to point out above to the comment about tuners (and not leaving well enough alone); i think the complaints partly grew from it feeling like kind of letdown after the over-engineered, super rebuildable and tunable stuff from the bubble era (2JZ as a prime example).

i seem to remember one for PC that handled original playstation games...i want to say it was called Bleem.  don’t know if it was decent, though.

you got the gist of my main point, and probably stated it better than i did.

gt500-based resurrection of the Ranchero

my bug got tagged a couple times with warnings about inoperative vehicles in the parking lot back when the ex had her apartment. thing is, it ran and was currently tagged and insured, and gone most days. the only time it stayed put for a couple consecutive days was when we took a rental car out of town.

did you have to sign a page that said “i am not a robot” too?

exactly. ditch samsung, on the other hand...

had to do similar with my bug. currently have an aftermarket (smaller wheel in it), and it’s got the earlier (large spline) steering shaft. won a euro market sports bug wheel, but it had the later (small spline) hub.

it WILL be awesome. (speaking from experience)

my 2004 pickup is the long smooth necked accordion style....not sure what else newer has them. (other half’s SI is the limp leatherette).

took a rented expedition EL (ford’s equivalent of the suburban) into SF and berkeley once. there were garages with clearance too low for it, and a few spots i went through sitting on the windowsill checking the clearance as i crept through.

side note: they really need to design parking garage spots for cars that real people drive. the parking garage near work, there are non-compact spots that a full size truck will be sitting on the lines on both sides, not even getting to length. my single cab compact truck goes all the way to the back of the spots, as

the equivalent extended cab tacoma is a squeeze for my 5', 85lb stepdaughter to sit behind me. other half tried, and she had to sit folded up indian style....and i’m only 5'10.

same here, in CA. i was samsung for many years (alias, alias too, droid charge, and then a gs5). stuck with it till the gs5, but they were getting worse and worse with loading in the crapware that you couldn’t delete. finally made the jump to a pixel 2, and love it. don’t see the big deal that was made about bezels,

i was having the same problem with charging and it got to where it would only charge with the plug in one way, couldn’t charge in the car because it’d fall out, etc.

weekends are usually when i’m there.... i’ve either tended to be in that area saturday evening, or sunday morning.

that too.

There’s a stretch of 101 near san jose, ca like that...when flowing, the flow of traffic is right around 100.

so that’s what they mean when they say they “put it in the weeds”.