
It just worked for me, i placed an order at 4:48PM PST and I got an an Order Number.

Ah, gotcha. I'm not apposed to either connection type. I really wish it could have been a USB type connection like Intel had originally wanted. Mini displayport is nice and all but only Apple and AMD have ever really adopted it.

My bet is with Intel's Ivy Bridge chip set Apple computers will have USB 3.0 support built in. OS X already supports USB 3.0, it's just not built in to the hardware where as with Ivy Bridge it's supposed to have native USB 3.0 support.

Okay, I'm tarded and don't know how to edit my own Comment. But a quick script I wrote can be downloaded at [] Really, really basic. Just makes a folder with the date, no time stamp. Hope it works or helps some.

I'll make one real quick. I'll post it once its done. (i have some time to kill, what better way to kill it than doing something productive)

I can't say definitively if it's good or bad. I haven't spent enough time in New Jersey so say for sure so I'll let you decide. According to TV however... It's not looking to be in New Jersey's favor.

Or you just live in Oregon where my ass stays in my car and the gas attendant pumps my gas for me, tells me my total (if its cash) and gives me change right there. All the while I'm in my car.

While that is true, it's a different type of fragmentation. Every iPhone has gotten 3 versions of iOS before it was no longer getting updates. When you purchase a new iPhone, you're guaranteed to be running the latest version of iOS where as that is not always the case with android.

Genius... This needs to happen.

Yes, it was an overstatement. Mostly on purpose. iOS voice control was/is a joke. It's horrendous. I've only ever seen Androids voice control practiced, I've never used it. And honestly, voice control isn't something I think i'd use all that much.

Saying "it's not impressive because it took them X amount of time to fix it" is not a logical argument. That's like saying the moon landing isn't impressive because the first rocket was created by the chinese in the 13th century, and it wasn't until 1969 that they actually got to the moon.

since we're assuming physical access...

Maybe its just me... But I've never been told I stink. Actually, the opposite. And I don't use cologne.

The Mac Mini can be custom ordered with 2 HDD's or an SSD and a HDD or two SSDs... So i'm kind of wondering why this is news... Of course theres room for a second hard drive, they removed the OpticalDrive which is about the size of a standard 2.5" SATA drive.

That doesn't do what spaces & expose together used to do. Having a 2 columns, 3 rows of spaces was awesome.

Link doesn't work, however I'm assuming that you were linking to assigning apps to certain desktops in mission control. And that's not anywhere near what I want. Also, using hotkeys, like ctrl + (a number) doesn't shortcut to full screened apps which totally sucks.

dear Gawker, I hate that my reply just got dumped.... Thanks, now i have to re-typeALL of it.

Mission Control is great for users that only used Expose.

That is very true, JailBreaking solved most of my iOS based complaints through the times. However, iOS 5 seems to quell most, if not all of my little complaints about iOS. Granted it it took forever but it finally happened.

Don't expect anyone to do anything that you're not willing to do.