looks like all the areas where people actually live, it’s soda.
looks like all the areas where people actually live, it’s soda.
by geographical area, you may have the majority. by literally every other metric, the coasts have it.
if the quality of the hotels and water supply is any indication, then using one of those condoms will probably give you aids and zika even if you use them solo.
by “ping” most of us understood that he meant “location reading” which is already expected to only run once every minute. adding extra processing time (because of an aging phone, or because of bad programming on niantic’s part.) can affect the accuracy of it by quite a bit.
yep. that’s totally christopher judge. teal’c from sg1.
is that christopher judge?
it doesn’t take 10 months at broadband speeds. for the resolution they’re sending, and the distance that signal must travel without losing anything to distortion, and the durability of the components used (which are all as old as the plans to build the probe) must be able to handle the rigors of space.
her right hand (our left side) doesn’t behave at all like a stabby thing. how much of the rest of the movie is that poorly done? if it was a fan film, that would be expected. this does not bode well.
simple people making comments about what america has become. how’s your mom’s basement treating you?
the HP is high, but the torque isn’t all that high. you can put those on a sports car, and they would push it... but your 0-60 time would be terrible. wheels push on pavement, jets push on air.
and this isn’t a jetpack because..? he likes having to manually balance it, or he couldn’t figure out how to mount them on booms at roughly shoulder height? (seems like you’d have faster acceptance with that configuration, and it wouldn’t require a special launch pad, you could control it more like the “rocket…
so... is kitkat keeping humans on the case to keep someone employed, or because they don’t trust robots? (machine vision is way more rapid and accurate than human vision.)
funny considering my phone has 4 gigs of ram and an octo-core snapdragon (810). it also has 64 gigs of storage, and dual sim. and it was only like 80 more than this. WTF, acer?!? i would totally buy that if it wasn’t so weak.
still the whole “this thing is like sasquatch because only crazy people ride them” has me rolling still.
“Why didn’t you just lead with that?”
they did.
that’s a pretty common word. did you have to break out your dictionary?
but you’re not right. you may be “correct” but that still doesn’t cure cranial rectitis.
also, how’s your talk show doing? what’s that? your mom won’t let you shoot a public access show in her basement? ain’t that a shame?
those who can’t do, teach.
this could be a response to people keeping their cars longer than audi would like. “so, you wanna hang onto your car for a decade? lets see if that’s still the case when the in car computer is ALL of the controls, and we release no updates” [twirls mustache]
thought this was called “Shoulder Surfing”