I know personally there’s not. Since May I’ve been sick as a dog, had two surgeries, missed Thanksgiving with my family, spent a lot of money on medical bills, and on and on and on and on.
I know personally there’s not. Since May I’ve been sick as a dog, had two surgeries, missed Thanksgiving with my family, spent a lot of money on medical bills, and on and on and on and on.
That guy looks like that video sucked all the life out of Nathan Zedd (who is the only charming teen on youtube).
how bout that song where the chorus goes something like this:
Yeah, why’s that not on here? Same with Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You, but he’s on here already so I’ll let that one go...
(dis)honorable mention: Despacito by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee and JUSTIN BEIBER. Because what Beiber did to that song was ruin it with his horrible “Spanish”. The original song is sweet perfection tho.
a thing? they’ve been together for 16 and have led a quiet, private life. Maybe more celebs should take note.
I sometimes think Rose McGowan should take a deep breath before she tweets. I also believe Meryl is probably very much in a bubble when it comes to her day-to-day life.
If you’re referring to what I said, I meant exercise as a means of feeling refreshed (which it can—endorphins), and society is often a drag. I have depression. I take medication daily, I go jogging, I have encouraging friends, I have interests, I have a job, I’m intelligent, funny, caring, etc. etc. etc. But I…
😌 I was on the verge of ‘correcting’ you.
Came looking for SNS, stayed for disgraced TV chef. Way to take the situation seriously, big guy.
My cousin’s wife’s father walked out on their family when she was 13, moved to a different state, started a new family and never paid child support. His abandonment set her off on a path that included her having a baby at 15 with a now convicted child molester.
I’m glad Mel B is finally divorced from that guy.
This little guy was also a NMDR rescue. He had the rotten teeth and weird resource hoarding issues, and was 181% pure magic. I will always be grateful to NMDR for bringing him to my life.
Congrats to Mel B - goodbye and good riddance to Stephen Belafockface.
In about 2010, my sister and I picked up a 4-pack of standard martini glasses from Target (whatever their house brand is) and each took 2 because we were both too broke to spend the whole $20 or whatever on glasses. Maybe 2 or 3 years ago, with my financial house in a little bit more order, I decided to pick up…
Ann Coulter’s “hot take” on Rubio, while not supporting happiness and joy is the most Ann Coulter thing she could have said for the upcoming holidays.