Mr Bill

So the police are racist because they are white and shot a black suspect who was allegedly reaching for a gun? Would it be racist if black cops shoot him? Would you label your article: “black cops walk free”

They’re barely worthy of a meme in response anymore.

That’s what when you get when you have a media of synchophantic dumbshits instead of people who want to uncover the truth.

Somehow, in 2018, the media still can’t figure out how to cover Trump. I’d be amazed if I wasn’t so annoyed.

“I’m sorry I got caught saying what nearly every owner wants so desperately to say out loud”

In America, troops fight for our freedoms...that if you dare actually use, you will be severely punished for doing so because it does not respect the valid work those troops do for your freedoms.

At least, I think that’s what standing for the national anthem means.

Nobody has a right to protest at work and stay employed. The NFL is bribing people to do something they could be forced to do unless they actually want to waste a ton of negotiating capital for their next CBA on kneeling.

I hate Trump as much as the next person but this is petty.

IThe teacher is an ass—and she’s dumb. However, the language/dialect issues that we have in this country, just like immigration, need to be addressed. It’s hard to address it without offending someone: but there are times when people speaking different languages at school and/orwork is distracting—and seems dishonest.

“A student who was in the classroom says that the teacher had asked students to stop whispering in Spanish several times before making the inappropriate remark.”

I know some veterans and, barring exactly one person, they hate this shit the most. They fought for their own reasons, and they really hate being used as a political chip.

First off, let me get this off my chest: Do not disparage the handlebar mustache! Twirling one’s mustache is a time-honored evil tradition! Also - like wearing a MAGA hat, it makes it much easier to pick villains out of a lineup. “Yes, officer - THAT is the man that tied me to the railroad tracks!”

I agree, but unless the NFL is banning him from playing in the future, not letting him do the combine is kind of pointless.

So, would you be upset to find Michelle Obama portrayed as an ape? I’ll bet you would and rightfully sp. But “Does it matter that it’s shopped? It’s Michelle.”

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?