You could cover yourself in half-burned Monopoly money, and say you’re going as a Congressional investigative committee.
You could cover yourself in half-burned Monopoly money, and say you’re going as a Congressional investigative committee.
Whiskey, barbecue, soy sauce, lime juice, coffee, garlic, paprika, ginger, egg and some bread crumbs.
That cover - well, reimagining, really - was the best thing to come out of a terrible, inexplicably overrated movie, but the original is of course the ultimate. It’s SO GOOD.
it could work. i think this song SHOULD be covered every few years by different quartets.
Who’s Rita Ora?
The finest microwaves.
If Ben Carson had been there, none of those people would have been harmed, because Ben would have directed the perp to the cashier.
If the good steak knives had been armed, this could have been prevented.
Kara Brown, staunch advocate for tokenism.
No, it wasn’t. Matt Damon being the new poster boy of racism around here for the intellectually unencumbered who just love to fling poo at some big names, usually followed by *he’s the worst* or something to that effect.
Isn’t “simple” an ableist slur? How about a trigger warning next time?
I thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was only cast when an Indian actor had to back out at the last minute?
Who is Lisa Catera?
Really can’t stand Kara’s writing. All snark, all condescension, no substance. It’s like she can’t have a conversation that isn’t one-sided. Hence, she is relegated to shade court.
don’t be simple; try varying up your responses a bit.
That was damn rude. VonQueso is a thoughtful commenter who has been here for a long time. She asked an honest question in order to educate herself, and you replied with both, ‘Don’t be simple’, and then further insulted her with a reproduction of a dictionary entry. The question wasn’t even directed at a column YOU…
I don’t think posting the definition of fiction is making the argument you think it’s making.
Holy shit, you’re flooding the entire comments section. Stop it, you nut!
Yeah cause before she wrote that I thought she was just being blindly PC, but then when I realized she had literally zero taste in music it made her opinions on the history of music as presented through Dave's eyes really inconsequential….Fucking Kanye West…..seriously.