
The quest for PC requires eternal vigilance.

It’s necessary when you’re using an actual mask of the person. Can you imagine the outrage if Snapchat was “whitewashing” Bob Marley with a white version of Bob Marley?!?

You know as a 22 year old black male I feel like white America is more concerned with these things than I’ve ever been. Everybody uses snapchat filters and they have filters that could offend certain groups all the time. This Bob Marley was filter makes you look like bob.. a black man. I didn’t feel the least bit

Don’t all dreads look like shit?

No it wouldn’t. Because you’d just look like a white person “robbing” rastafarians of their culture. /s

You haven’t heard apparently -

We may get to the point where white people enjoying Bob Marley’s music or any Reggae music is decried as appropriating culture.


What in the SJW world are you talking about? Do we now have to worry about using a face swap app with our friends who happen to be a different race than we are just because it may appear racist? Dismissing the fact that two people who are friends decided to do it? How in the world can you consider a Bob Marley fan

yeah but you see then we are declaring that black isn’t beautiful and that is just white privilege on the use of marijuana. :\

This isn’t blackface and this isn’t offensive to any reasonable person.

So a white writer, irritated at a black-face filter? Wow. White jingoism much? Seriously this is nothing to get all up in arms over. Move on and stop looking for something that ain’t there.

Dressing as an indvidual person/character should not be offensive, and I’m offended by anyone who is offended.

I was thinking more trans-zombie Michael.

This isn’t black face. It’s actually Bob Marley’s face sort of imposed over your face. It’s literally like any other face swapping software.

Yep, but not made that face white, because that’s racist.

You’re giving these guys too much credit. They don’t even get enraged. They just repost rage they find elsewhere on the Internet.

If they wanted to have some fun on 4/20, they should have made a Willie Nelson face.

It must be hard work having to be so vigilant about being politically correct! How do you find the time?