
the show has no trouble sending home presumed frontrunners for one-time screw-ups: you lose the battle, you go home, no matter what your record is.

She just flat-out put more thought and execution into her both performances, period.

Agreed and thank you for saying it.

Color me shocked, I agree on almost all points.


Wait a minute.

As suggested watch season 6; also feel free to skip s7 and then jump to S8.

But at least you're not bitter…

I have to concur; even when bitches *cough* Aja *cough*would try to come for her, Val always took the high road.



Agreed; Peppermint's slow start this season is not equivalent to Alexis' personal brand of "Meh."

Pedantry is fun, no?

Never minds, I forgot about Spinal Tap.


"Brilliant performance by McKean."

Using real, hand drawn animation would have negated the whole point of using any cartoons; cutting production costs.

It's fun, if you don't take it too seriously.

The entire second part of S1 seemed kinda rushed, and incomplete IMO; and I agree that the excessive animation seemed much more like a cop-out way to cut production costs more than any creative means of advancing the narrative.

Ie, the three ring shitshow that was Dexter after S5.