
That’s the exact same thing we all said about American Horror Story. And...just be careful what you wish for, you know?

This is a remarkable show. Jayma Mays has been amazing. I marvel at her ability to act with her eyes and her whole body. Every episode is like a master-class in comedy acting.

And Kristin Chenoweth’s wackiness is nothing short of brilliant. I wasn’t really up on her until I saw her on Ali Wentworth’s Nightcap. Now I am

i really enjoy this show, but i see we’re going with the “describe every single plot point without discussing them in any meaningful way” brand of review for this season. way to go, AV Club. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

They will inevitably bring Maeve, Hector, and Armistice back next season—they all but directly told us so by showing their bodies and then saying “hey Felix and Sylvester, figure out which ones can be salvaged!”

Unpopular opinion time:

I mean, Ru how long has been saying “if they ain’t paying your bills, pay them no mind”. He very clearly values keeping a cool, level head and ignoring the haters because they don’t matter. Vixen is the antithesis of that. She engages constantly with every perceived slight. Also it’s not like Eureka came for her in a

I want to start this by saying that I love The Vixen. She’s one of my all-time favorite queens to ever prance into the workroom. I think her voice is important, what she stands for is vital, and the issues she’s brought up are more substantial than this show is perhaps equipped to deal with.

Wait a minute .... Ru literally said “Eureka you’re not getting off that easy” and goes in on her.  I think people want to see this as a Eureka v. Vixen issue when really they both are bad parties.  Vixen undercuts any valid argument she has by being short-sighted and not admitting when she’s in the wrong, and Eureka

yes to alllll of this. Ru really thinks she’s Oprah now and it’s so tired.

“You’re all telling me how to react. No one is telling Eureka how to act.”

When you enter the season saying that you’re looking for a fight, don’t whine about the fact that you get in fights.

Eureka’s not getting off scott-free. But also, Eureka doesn’t have a pattern of (mildly!) antagonizing behavior. The Vixen does have a pattern of overreacting and an inability to own her role.

Eureka is obnoxious and Vixen is shitty. Both people can be in the wrong.

The fact that Vixen had memorized her argument with Eureka, so much so that she actually lip-syncs along to the footage, tells me everything I need to know about her. When you enter the season saying that you’re looking for a fight, don’t whine about the fact that you get in fights.

Yeah, nothing was her fault, no other opinion mattered. To say Monet talked shit about Cracker, clearly she didn’t watch the Untucked we did when Monet repeatedly told her Cracker did not “fake her way to Drag Race.” To Asia’s point, she’s a person who is in pain and needs empathy.

“Luke Perry approaches his scenes with the teens differently from every other adult on his show, because he actually plays it a wise adult/innocent teen dynamic.” So true and I love him for it. I embrace the ridiculousness of this show, but it’s nice to occasionally have a scene where adults are adults and kids are


“I’m supposed to be this great detective”

I'm part of the .1% who would enjoy seeing Dexter get rid of Rita in some way.

I am with you robinm!