
I don't know, I don't think the ending was all that special and the hobbit jokes were kinda lame. The story about Kim K not having any talent or great looks becoming rich, famous and married to hip hop star was really funny and true.

I miss the old cartman voice too.

Am i the only one that actually find the constant burping and stuttering hilarious? I haven't laughed that hard at a cartoon voice since H. Jon Benjamin in Archer. Can this please get regular reviews, its really good. Rick and Morty 100 years!

I don't know where this is supposed to go so i'm just gonna say it here, Where is the Rick and Morty review?!

Anybody know why animation for shows like Simpsons and Family Guy take so long? Hasn't animation improved to be a lot quicker and easier to do over the past years? I know South Park isn't exactly known for quality animation but if it can be done in week can't a more expensive/larger studio do Family Guy episodes much

Family Guy has absolutely no continuity or universe rules. Anything can happen or has happened as long as the writers think its funny.

These super-meta-satire-sarcastic articles are really annoying. A couple of ironic/sarcastic jokes in articles are fine but enough with the entire articles written in tongue and cheek.

"Schimdt- Thats poop for sure, I was right. In your face Nick
Coach - In your face Nick
Nick - How so?
Coach - He put a turd in his mouth..
Nick - And that's in My face? "

Warning. Untagged finale spoilers in the comments for those who don't wanna get their finale watching experience ruined like what happened to me. :(

This goes to show that even with all The Simpsons criticism all over the internet, its still one of the most successful if not the Most successful tv show ever. Much respect Matt Groening you probably have had nothing to do with the show for over a decade but this show is one hell of an accomplishment. No-one in the

Cmon no mention of Donna's "Come on Ron, You know i don't give a fuck." That was thigh-slappingly hilarious. Can Jamm be a regular on the show already, he's literally my favourite character on this show. "Hey man, leave my gong alone. The reverb is the best part!” That line was delivered so perfectly.

The romance is so overboard cheesy. Seriously the Barney meeting Teds wife part could have come from a 90's sitcom especially the completely unsubtle winks to the girl being Ted's wife. The Bryan Cranston scenes where also underwhelming but its the first time i've seen ol' Heisenberg since the finale so i enjoyed them

Best episode of South Park in years! I can't believe this episode scored less than last weeks shitty episode! The garden joke was laugh out loud hilarious, "Why do you kids keep using my garden to betray each other!" Honestly though the rest of the season was complete garbage.

You can watch almost every cartoon/anime made at and many other illegal sites just a google search away.This article is unnecessary.

I liked this episode but i found it quite implausible. The british government wouldn't force him to fuck the pig cause not only is there no insurance that the girl will live but it would represent the british state giving into terrorism. Submitting to such a request would degrade the whole government and encourage

Wait, Cleveland Show became genuinely good? I find that hard to believe after only seeing a few first season episodes and a couple episodes in subsequent seasons.

I thought it was nick censorship and that the original line was a threat of death.

I think South Park is finished and is going in the washed up animated show rubbish bin along with Family Guy and The Simpsons.

I really hope this show gets renewed, Its actually really good.

This season is underwhelming especially considering how great book one was. Beginnings really had me wishing that they devoted a whole season to first avatar. Unalaq is such a shitty villiain, he hints that he has big dark plans for opening the spirit world then he just bends a narrow stream of water at the portal?