
"When the shit goes doooown, you better be ready!"

Yeah that's basically it, we don't agree or like your opinion. If your doing inappropriate or annoying stuff in the comment (like memes, racism whatever) we can flag you or more likely just ignore you.

Please watch Community Nielsen Americans! Atleast just put Nbc on and post stock pictures with life quotes on facebook for 30 minutes.

Isn't this kinda awkward cause he still has 5 episodes of Community to film? Who knows maybe the cast and Dan can reach out to him or something and bring him back to Community. I know, I know its sad that he has relatively unjustified fears that most people have (though they aren't rich and famous) but my

"When the shit goes doooown, you better be ready" Not a bad pilot honestly, the characters are cliche and the whole "the woman Stuart should be with all along" situation is an infuriatingly eye-rolling cliche but the awkward set ups were funny and that alone will keep me watching.

Eagleton Ron - "I like the outdoors, I like nature"

What! That tiger was Bryan Cranston! Cool, doesn't sound like him at all.

What! That tiger was Bryan Cranston! Cool, doesn't sound like him at all.

Season 2 is my favourite but season 3 had Remedial Chaos Theory which is the best sitcom episode I've ever watched.

But you don't have to complain cause there are many shows very similar to community season 1 and you didn't have to stick with it for lack of better options. For example Scrubs, Happy Endings, New Girl etc basically any sitcom with mostly relationship based humour (read: almost all of them). The show probably only

“Just remember the old adage: "You catch more flies with cool guest stars than with Dahmer comparisons.” Zing!! Megan Ganz even though you betrayed us by going to Modern Family after making Intermediate Documentary Filmaking, That was pretty funny and a clever jab at all the guest star announcements. Can't wait for

Why do people keep wishing that Community was more normal when not only is there no shortage of normal sitcoms but its abnormality is what kept it from being canned in the first place. Community season 1 was more like Scrubs and theres 8 seasons of that already, where am i gonna get my 8 bit video game episodes?

Dexter - My Bad? Dexter brutally killing that innocent guy disturbed the shit out of me.

Revive him so he can spend the rest of his days battling cancer in prison? Yeah, thats a lot less sad.

Just stop watching, Its easier than repeatedly commenting that it should be canceled and having fox not give two sh*ts about what you think.

Great finale with lots of closure. Only have a problem with the sing choice at the end, didn't enjoy it as much as previous Breaking Bad songs

"To Surveil With Love", Season 21

Lame episode. The Simpsons did this first and they did much better which is surprising considering it was in the 21st season. But if they can have like only 3 or 4 good episodes a season i guess we should expect the same from South Park considering how long both have been running. I think Comedy Central  has no plans

Dexter wasn't trying to kill him, he was trying to learn from him. I don't think it was 'How could i kill this guy if he's such a decent guy' situation but more of a 'This guy has a normal life considering what he does gives Dexter hope' kinda situation. I think he's real side was shown to imply that Dexter too was

Jess: "Drinking to be cool Nick? Thats not a thing."