
I can't believe he abandoned his son to be a lumberjack. He seriously left his son with a fugitive, famous for what she did with that other serial killer, her escape from police custody, and killed a really rich guy. He's afraid of ruining his son's life by staying even though he's a free man and its better leaving

I thought it was pretty clear after he said "It was me, no one else was involved" (something like that). Before that it was kinda ambiguous.

Unless next week's episode takes the gunfight a completely unexpected direction, It should have ended with Hank and Gomez getting shot and dying. Great episode as usual. I kept on hoping for Walt to be driving to the rental place to ask if they have gps on the cars or something similarly ahead of Hank.

I wonder if the writers actually intended it to be an infinite loop of happiness by making Farnsworth likely to make the button again. I wish they made it more clear to avoid the feeling of the writers leaving the show open to be revived. I would've liked a more definite ending is all i'm saying.

I don't get the need for the commenter shoutout because cmon Breaking Bad is a huge show and one of the millions of people watching was sure to identify the plant due to prior knowledge. If we were all given the knowledge of the plants toxicity and he was the only one that figured out the twist then a shoutout is

As much as i was hoping Brody dies, I understand the Dexter (Seasonal Villians) implications it would have on the show.

I don't think Jesse's reaction is very realistic. It seems like a contrived way to have him cause havoc. Shit has hit the fan, Hank knows and any day now he could be thrown in jail as far as he knows. Also Walt isn't exactly defenseless and going after him considering all he has done seems like a possible suicide

The only problem i had with the episode was the confession tape threat. I just didn't buy that the tape would implicate Hank enough to force him to give up on Walt. Wouldn't the dea need proof? Just like Hank needs proof now?

Ian Duncan was the best guest professor in my opinion. I really hope he comes back this season.

I don't what the hell this reviewer is talking about when she says Slutty Nancy. She only slept with two guys last season? I mean seriously now i can't avoid reading these reviews without imagining a an over-zealous religious/judgy woman watching the wrong show.