If you’re in anyway involved with groups of people who are set to kill mass amounts of anyone then you deserve to be tortured and die.
If you’re in anyway involved with groups of people who are set to kill mass amounts of anyone then you deserve to be tortured and die.
I never said cannonize, a man is dead, a man who had a family. You internet faggots seem to forget that there is an actual person behind ideas.
Yep, lets ask the 12 yr old gawker reader about real life military strategies.
There is a difference between respecting the dead and people shouting they are glad hes dead and he deserved to die for his ideas. There are very VERY few people who DESERVE death because of political beliefs....
Anyone who remotely cares about politics is a cunt. Fact.
Better than the fucking ice cream cone and candle pokemon we have now........
If you don’t have Gyarados first you’re a pleb. Giant water dragon who can also fly AND hyper beam......PlsGitGudPatty.
Just because you’re too lazy to read item descriptions and really pay attention to dialogue does not mean a game lacks plot. It means you’re too stupid to actually dig and understand a story that isn’t narrated and spoon fed to you like undertale......
So sick of seeing the circle jerk over this shitty as, white knight, social justice piece of shit game. Fuck this generation.
You’re lying to yourself if you think Cam hasn’t beaten a hoe or two......
The absolute shit that passes for “journalism” on gawker anymore is downright embarrassing.
No, it has to do with the fact that he is a self centered asshole who acts like he’s the first man to ever throw a touchdown or run more than 5 yards on a play. He is a child and this little tantrum shows just how much growing up he has left to do. Stop playing a race card to try to cover the fact that he’s just a…
If you get enjoyment out of it, then its worth whatever you want it to be worth. Life is about enjoying what you do, who cares if you “accomplish” a bunch of shit that you don’t care about or that doesn’t make you happy. You’re dead inside.
Unless it’s Half-Life 3 then you can always count it out.
Spoken like someone who is too lazy to have ever set a personal goal for themselves and then actually achieved it.
You should look up some of Lobos Jr’s runs if that’s what you’re into.
Enjoy middle school fuckboi, life starts to actually require effort soon.
No, its really not
LOL the 12 yr old looked up the word preposterous. cute.