
Impossible to lie on the internet, checks out.

Because doing one means they obviously didn’t do the other..... It’s IMPOSSIBLE to both take it to the authorities AND post it on social media. Dumbass.

The thing is you don’t gear quickly, no matter if you play with others or not. The gear part is and always will be a grind in diablo. The game doesn’t even really start till max level so getting there faster doesn’t ruin the “game”. It ruins the shitty 69 level long tutorial.

Manlier than some little insecure bitch trying to call people out on the internet.

Diablo 3 has none of these things......

Found the guy who quit after the 2nd boss of bloodborne.

Professionalism at its finest............

Fuck TotalBiscuit.

No......You drive 40 in the 45 and leave more space between you and the next car......not that fucking hard. Also if you’re the kind of pretentious asshat who buys snow tires for 3 months of winter and then cries about “coming prepared” then yeah I hope you’re stuck behind someone going 20 because you’re a cunt.

Enjoy the Superbowl where you belong, crying over your clam chowder.

You need something else in your life to bring you enjoyment than. Otherwise you’ll die sad and alone.

Eve Hammond (Natalie Portman) in V for Vendetta 2005.

Or you could save the $500 and just not drive like a fucking mongoloid.

The fact that you even know a frozen song shows how much of either a middle school girl, or absolute piece of shit you really are.

Absolutely not the best looking console. Even though I hate xbox the halo 5 xbone is the best looking limited console.

6/10 You need a few more Morty’s peppered into Rick’s comments

And you’re still the only one that finds it funny. Find the one guy laughing alone and you found the asshole that will die alone.

You deserve a nfl team like you deserve a bullet in the head.

LOL enjoy them for 10 years before your attendance falls off a cliff just like last time they were there. Unlike you fickle cunts we actually show up for a shit product out of support.

The problem with your humor is no one but you finds it funny.......