Someone should go check on this guy’s Little Sister.
Someone should go check on this guy’s Little Sister.
I look forward to watching the “Behind the Music” 20 years from now.
The Avengers and The Falcon are the only ones who come to mind.
What can we say, that DMX track was a cultural phenomenon up here.
I used to put Priest Lauderdale on all my teams in “Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside” on the n64. I have no idea why. I may have just had a cool looking basketball card with him on it. I also used to put Mario Elie on those teams. Young me was pretty dumb.
That is some terrifying horror movie stuff.
Oddly enough, I was just listening to that Minutemen record.
Look at the computer monitor. He is definitely playing a Worms game. North Korea likely doesn’t have Worms WMD yet so it is probably Worms Armagreddon.
Who gets the two AL East wildcard spots? And who wins the game?