
can you relate this piece on the n word to the context of my post? i was not suggesting anything about pride in one’s physical characteristics, but rather ideologies which others of differing characteristics (read: races) can also (and sometimes do) subscribe to.

I get that simple messages can be good, and “I’m proud of not being brown” is definitively a bad thing. But the other comics in this series are very straightforward in both text and visuals, while that first one has a murky philosophical concept paired with a very straightforward visual concept.

so, did John end up finishing his degree or what? did he transfer the next year to the local community college and start bar-backing?

the appropriate word for them has and will continue to shift with time too, such is life. retarded was introduced to cut “moron” out when it was deemed insensitive in its own time, iirc.

I’ll take Guy Fieri

almost all celebs do. they are the vectors through which brands attract revenue from the public at large. what does a brand care about the revenue of a single individual’s demand for its products when they can make them a part of the brand and attach thousands more individuals pockets to their stream?

IIRC, isn’t MLK rather true to his civil rights era character in the Boondocks, and is half-misunderstood/rejected in the modern context as being like an old man get off my lawn type?

yeah it was crazy. even crazier to me that bron basically didn’t move at all, that was like two or three big shoves and he stonewalled him.

Now playing

counterpoint, why you should be worried:

i mean at least green shirt landed a right hook in the early going

Your headline and the lede are at odds.

for bank deposits reporting begins at $10k

It’s not 2002 anymore dude, e-girls have been a thing for more than a decade. The more popular it gets (and look around, it’s hugely popular), the more pronounced the groupie scene will be.

Cory Lidle for me.

Brad Neely is an internet God.

Have you not watched basketball for the last 15 years?

Is there like a bodyslider for your player creator?

This is a fine article. I agree with your take on Flake and his demonstration. If I may make an editorial comment however, it’s that this is a far cry from what should have been said:

this reeks of the same revolting scent which lingers whenever the public cheers for de-facto prison rape.

“At this moment in time, there’s no such thing as NFL football played safely.”