
i think this is the first time ive been fked by kinja. in any case, i’m really rather excited for this ‘in-between’ marvel film. Ragnarok looks like great fun, and the Thor movies have so far been able to pull a good blend of comedy and ‘seriousness.’

It’ll be a good story, but fuck royalty.

you really think so? i’m not incredulous that he’s got a nefarious history, but i always thought weinstein was at the top of the mountain, or near enough, in hollywood.

par for the course when you do business in china. your products will be stolen, and it is very, very unlikely that you’ll see returns in the courts.

Is there a notable distinction between the costume of The Greatest Show on Earth and The Secret of the Incas?

On a pure skills basis, there’s really nobody in the league that can stop him, and seemingly no one he can’t defend. This sixers squad had the #1 defensive rating in the league when he was on the floor, which is absurd given they were at or near the bottom when he came off. He projects to be a Tim Duncan level

The Rock is seemingly loved by everybody, and Tyrese by seemingly nobody, but Tyrese has a point here. VD (lmao at those initials) and the like made it a point that doing those films was about promoting the group as a whole, and they doubled down on that pretty hard after Paul Walker got Paul Walker’d. For the new guy

many ensembles need that character. he’s played for comic relief.

You’re doing a wonderful Louise digital-cosplay job.


IMO the story loses something by missing out on the great sad, comatose of humanity. It is a deeply central theme, as you mentioned here, but not ripe for a movie experience. At least not one that people would enjoy nearly as much. A setting shifted tale of a story we already know and love, detective story, action,

“I don’t know where the insistence on purity of word and deed is coming from, but it contradicts just about everything we know about human nature.”

finally admitting to myself that the mainstream adoption of competitive gaming will herald it’s death in my life. its almost time to retreat into single player.

too silly and predictable*

dude, that show is still on?

what a damn tragedy. i’m so sorry little boy, you were a tremendous hero, but deserved to pursue more.

you just conflated bluehole’s CEO with player unknown. he didn’t make this statement.

eh idk about that. they’ve put out two pretty significant updates in just the last month and a half or so. FPP queues, rolling that out to duo and squads, extra server capacity, improvement to the FPV in general, fixing interactions with doors and various items, extra towns, new weapons, etc.

Yes. It was an Arma 2 mod originally as well. But surprise: both of those mods were created by PU.

Best part of Moana is Jermaine Clement, second is the Maui Rock meme: