something (not so) witty

I think personal experiences in this area are strongly influenced by physical location and interests... for example, I was raised non-denominational evangelical, and I grew up to be interested in liberal politics, feminism, and work in a creative field in coastal California. I definitely feel like, and acknowledge

I suspect the comments on this piece won’t be pleasant, but I’m glad to have read this.

This I get. I was raised first Baptist, then non-denominational, and after a long stretch of nothing, now Lutheran. My experiences of church, in and of itself, were never a bad thing. Probably because every church we attended had a pretty liberal, progressive bent, I never noticed a lot of the Conservative, political

I spent two weeks in China in a very industrial province- for work so I spent most of my time in factories. I saw some of the craziest shit I have ever seen in my life. Ashtrays in the elevators. Not outside the elevator door, INSIDE the elevator. I’m a smoker myself, but this was a bit much. It was a 7 story

But they *PINKIE SWEAR* the fracking industry won’t ruin the water supply if nobody monitors it! Regulations stand in the way of PATRIOTIC POLLUTION.

Those flames coming out of your pipes are a *bonus*. (save on bic lighter expenditures)

Are you serious? Elevators are not airtight - you will never run out of air.

I agree.

What I find most disturbing is the out-of-control assignment of "mental Illness" to everyone (MOSTLY women) when overly-medicated societies don't want to deal with their unwillingness to 1. accept that people are individuals/diiferent/even [whoa!] 'eccentric', not sheeple and 2. they can't admit that we are all

Many times, in families where a loved one has a mental illness, they disappear so many times that the family becomes accustomed to them coming and going.

You can go without food longer than you can go without water. I wonder what the conditions in the elevator were too. If she was dehydrated and the elevator got very hot it would have made her sicker.

It extends to nourishment, and in a broader sense, any necessity of life. The etymology doesn’t specifically reference food, just dying/becoming stiff.

Wouldn't she have died of dehydration first?

That’s terrible. To not search for a family member because they're mentally different and may have "gotten lost" is heartbreaking.

Being hard working certainly doesn’t make you immune to that mentality and no one suggested she was privileged growing up (though she certainly is now). Her response to the dress thing was pitch perfect what a WASP would say to convey disapproval without being outright rude. Hence the OP’s comment.

I had two Polish Catholic Grandmas, they can throw kind sounding derision like pros (I don’t want to co-opt shade since that’s not quiiiiiite what my Grandmas did). Kind of a very specific Eastern European brand of “Well bless your heart”.

I purposely held off clicking on this article for over an hour just because I wanted there to be a million comments like this before I read it.

Catholic shade is the shadiest shade of all shades

Martha shade is the best shade

He’s probably going to be scarred for life, having seen a naked woman outside the bounds of marriage. He should sue.

agreed that female teachers who fuck their students don’t get anywhere close to the punishment that male teachers do. Double standards are fun both ways aren’t they? ;)